Christmas Special

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I won't post until after Christmas because I have a ton of shit to do✌️

Thank you for understanding

Also imma try keeping spoilers to a minimal, hence the blank name tag. Yes, I know It isn't convenient, but I want to keep his name a secret.

Katsuki's POV:

_______ ran around like a mad kid. He wouldn't stop, probably because he knew that his presents were on the way. I watch him bounce on the sofa yelling about how he couldn't wait to get his Red Riot figure.

What he didn't know, was that I was bringing the Red Riot to him and that was his main Christmas gift. Was I annoyed that stupid shitty hair is my son's idol? Fuck yeah, but it was cool.

Izuku came home a little later with a smile on his face, he looked so cute, he was holding a ton of bags in his hands and was literally radiating happiness.

The second ______ heard the door he ran out the room and to his mother," Mommy!! Can I open my presents now?!"

Izuku beamed at him with such a happy face, together, they were both the most cutest bunnies I've ever seen. The 6 year boy I'm so proud to call my son, and my husband, whom I'm so happy I married.

No, I hadn't become fucking soft, they were just cute; Period. Izuku nods gently and he ran back to the main room to grab his presents.

I watch him, and I also watch Izuku slip Shitty hair into the house. _____ looked up at the present and opened it quickly, sure enough, there was a signed box with the limited edition Red Riot missionary figure, and _____ started running around and yelling.


Izuku giggled and walked in, that caught _____ attention. He looked at the door and stood in front of him was none other than Red Riot.

He nearly dropped the box. He placed it down calmly before running around and hugging Shitty Hair tightly, I was certain he was shaking in excitement.

" N-no way.... R-red riot.... I-in the flesh...!".

Shitty hair blushed deeply at the compliments that my son was giving him. The reason why they hadn't met sooner was because Shitty hair was in America for 7 years and finally returned.

" So bubs, Red Riot is actually your god father, you just never met him"

Izuku said simply, and ____ squealed before hugging him tighter, " I'm surrounded by super cool hero's...!"

I wrap my arms around Izuku and watch them, its adorable, he's so happy, and I'm happy too. I haven't seen Eijiro in 7 years... It was Good to see his shitty face again... Tch.

After that, we sat down and ate Christmas Dinner with Mina, Eijiro, myself, old hag, old man, auntie Inko, Izuku, ____, Mina and Erjiro had a son named Yukio who also came, and our dog Ash... He's a wolf but that minor detail doesn't matter

It was fun, we opened presents and laughed, Izuku and Mina had a dance off, ____ and Yukio became friends, ____ got multiple autographs from Eijiro. My old hag and Auntie Inko were laughing and taking photos. While me and Izuku cuddled on the couch and watch our family have fun.

𝒯𝒽ℯ ℰ𝓃𝒹

I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and a happy new year, stay safe😊

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