Chapter 6: Inko Isn't Happy

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Let's get right into it. ⚠️ TW: rape talk. Please be mindful.❤️⚠️

When Inko heard of the news that her son was raped, she was more than furious. She was prepared to kick everyone's asses. Nezu, who had the idea to do so, decided to have a meeting with the teachers, Endeavour and Miruko.

Miruko was there for... Stopping Inko from Murdering Endeavour in cold blood. It was a funny scene for a whole hut soon they all realised just how deep in denial Endeavour was. The conversation went a little like this.

Inko was sat across from Endeavour and Nezu. She was glaring, the model's leg tapping profusely as she listened to him, " your son raped my child. He shouldn't be allowed near him"

" your son shouldn't have been showing so much cleavage." Endeavour replied.

" Are you serious. Do you even KNOW how traumatised my son is?! He won't come out his room, he hasn't eaten a single meal and is slowly into a state!!"

" It's attention seeking get over yourself" He said, boredom leeking from his voice.

Inko glared," you single minded, dumb looking, fire ass headed BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

That's when Inko lunged at Endeavour, she may not show it, but Izuku was her everything and Endeavour reminded her too much of... Him...

Slolwy, the poor mom was breaking down into peices," you don't deserve the spot as number 1 hero. You deserve hell and worse. Do you hear how arrogant you sound... How stupid you sound? Your son is a rapist. One that almost impregnated my child with his disgusting genes. You should rot in prison. Along with your son"

Her voice was laced with utter hatred and anger. Miruko could only hold her close and rock her, " he was wearing a ghost costume... H-how is that cleavage? He didn't willingly let himself get drugged and tied to a bed... He isn't a doll for you to toy with and use... He's a living being..."

Endeavour listened to her. But sadly, his arrogance left him mindless,"oh please. Your son should know better than to take drinks from people." Nezu, Aizawa, Miruko, Hawks and Inko looked at him in disgust.

" men are so dumb aren't they. Blinded by pride and toxic masculinity. Izuku didn't deserve that. No one does. Don't you understand. You're in the wrong Enji. Accept it." Miruko defended her student. She treated him like a little brother, their relationship was more than just intern and teacher.

" no son of mine is a rapist. You're all just dumb people who can't accept that your son allowed himself to become weak and vulnerable." Inko shook her head in disbelief.

What on earth was wrong with this man. He was in total denial. It pissed her off so much. But, being Inko, the polite petite bunny model. She stood up with Miruko and Hawks, bowed and walked away, fists clenched and ears back as a threat.

Izuku was at home. Locked in his room rethinking how badly he messed up. He should've been more mindful. He really wasn't the smartest tool in the box.

On top of that, Ochako began sharing tweets about him. Calling him a slag and slut... He quickly realised the story of what happened was being told differently than how it was done. He felt weak and alone..

He sat there silently, facing the wall, Bridge of tears.

He felt a familiar buzz of his phone and he picked it up, slowly, he read the textes.

It was something, everyone in 1-A was praising his bravery, how strong he was and that he could come to any of them. Even Bakugo told him.. Wait why does Katsuki's reply make him feel so... So, comforted.

Izuku replied to everyone with 'thank yous' and hearts, before he grew exhausted from the anxiety, overthinking, depression and cyber bullying. The bunny fell asleep in bed.

When Inko returned home she rubbed her eyes and slipped off her heels. Throwing her bag to the couch she hopped up the stairs to her sons room," Baby... I'm home..." no reply. Slowly she opened the door, and there he was. Little bunny Izuku, curled in a fetus position and asleep.

She sighed and smiled softly, tiredly. She slipped next to him, I curling his tensed limbs and holding him close. He was always her baby, and he always would be. She cradled him, humming softly and rubbed his scalp and ears. Soon enough, she fell asleep with him.

Katsuki didn't see the tweets Ochako made, well he did but since it was off an anonymous account he didn't suspect it was his own girlfriend. But, he still defended Izuku along with the class and soon the tweets were deleted.

He laid in bed with her, but being with Ochako didn't feel right... It felt fake, forced even. He felt he needed to be in his relationship. Ochako was happy and that's all that mattered...

As long as the peace stayed, everything was fine. At least that's what Katsuki kept telling himself. But with eahh though the image of Izuku filed his brain. Izuku Midoriya. Bunny. Buns. Bun bun. Bubs. Baby. Katsuki's mind filled with thoughts, mistle nicknames for Izuku.

He was never this unfocused and Ochako noticed pretty fast that he wasn't listening to her rambling abiut the new watch she got at Gucci... Was  it gucci? Or was it apple.. He couldn't remember. Or care for that matter.

Right now his goal was trying to get Izuku out of his shell again and confident with his body and who he is. Not a new bag from an overpriced company that probably scams you most of their products.

I didn't think I'd be able to compete this chapter with the exams I'm doing but I did! I hope you're all well and safe. Wherever you are.

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