Chapter 19: Month 5 Pt. 3

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" W-what are you talking about...?"

Shigaraki grinned and sat onnthe bench while watching Izuku rub his belly.

How he wishes that Izuku was filled with his pups. Maybe, just maybe, he might get the chance to do that if he's lucky enough.

"What am I talking about? Hasn't your mother told you who he is? What he is to me? How I'm much more dangerous than him in more than one way."he said gleefully while biting his lip.

Izuku was scared stiff, his body tensed and he backed away, nearly tripping in the process," What are you on about?!"

Shigaraki stood up and made his way to the bunny. A wolf stalking its prey..

" Oh pretty bunny don't you know~ My name is Tenko Midoriya~ I'm your older brother~"

His entire demeanor.. his language was filled with utter last..

How could... how could someone get so turned on by their brother?!

Izuku gasped and stood there eyes blown wide.

Tenko grinned and grabbed his ass rubbing it," So soft~ So lewd~"


Katsuki, not being able to hold back, punched the older male in the face hard, his eyes gleamed in anger and fit of rage," DISTGUSTING BASTARDD!! I'LL KILL YOU!!"

Tenko scoffed and fought him, while Hitoshi went to the now hyperventilating Izuku.

" Zuzu?? Its me Hitoshi.. can you hear me?"

Izuku, frantically looking around and clenching onto his blouse nodded

" Can I touch you Zuzu?"

Again, Izuku nodded gently and Hitoshi Picked him up," I'm taking you to the hospital... don't worry.."

It was now 8:30 AM.

Laid half dead on the floor, was Tenko, unconscious and barely breathing. He had stubstained incredibly deadly wounds, on being right on his throat.

Katsuki stood there panting, he refused to go down. Izuku had gone through too much for that.

Placing a boot on his chest, Katsuki looked down with a grin," Its over you rapist, disgusting, good for nothing, no point of calling you a brother asshole... any last words."

Tenko looked at him grimly," Its not over... Master will come back.."

Katsuki scoffed and hauled him up before using quirk blocking collars and cuffs to hand him to the pros,"save it asshole"

Once he was gone, Katsuki ran as fast as he could to the hospital Izuku was located at. He sighed and sat infront of the room.


Came a quiet and meek male voice.

Katsuki looked up to see Tamaki, with a small smile.

Tamaki was incredible at calming other's nerves. He calmed Katsuki down a lot but he completed numbed out Izuku no matter the circumstance.

He sat next to Katsuki and took a deep breath," I spoke to the doctors. Izuku and the baby are safe. Izuku is completely out from the entire thing.. and I'm worried he might not be mentally stable as the months continue by.. he's been through a lot."

Katsuki nodded in agreement," I'll keep a close watch on him I promise you that..."

Tamaki nodded and gently rubbed the short tempered hero's back," he'll be okay Bakugo... Everything will be okay."

Katsuki relaxed at that, he needed that to be said to him, and it made him feel way better.

" They also had time to question Tenko... A-amd I think you'll need to find that house soon, a new one, that way you'll be guaranteed that Izuku and the baby will be safe."

Again, Katsuki nodded and sighed," At least I've found a big house, one with enough space for our boy and Izuku... Even has spare rooms and a second living room so it should be okay... Hey Tamaki?-" Tamaki looked up at him,"yes?"

"- could you stay here for me while I go get some clothes for Izuku and some food for him too, he never liked Hospital food and I don't think he ever will."

Tamaki smiled a small smile, one filled with love and sympathy, he himself never liked the food, he found it bland and terrifyingly empty. So he understood the problem.

Katsuki bowed and left, he was pretty cautious and very aware of his surroundings. On his way back, he noticed a man in an ally way beating what looked to be a large dog.

Katsuki despised people who abused animals, he hated seeing those poor species being hurt. He hated humans more and more because of it.

Growling, he yelled from across the street while crossing," HEY! GET YOIR HANDS OFF THE DOG!!!" But before Katsuki could get there, The man had disappeared.

He walked over to the animal and soon realised it wasn't a dog, but a huge wolf. It seemed to be very intelligent because it instantly bowed at him and nuzzled him.

" Fuck that's cute... shit... fick it. Uoure my wolf now and I'm naming you Ash. M'kay?"

The wolf nodded. He was a fascinating sight; large, full of black fire with specs of gold scared across it. His ears were fluffy and big and he seemed very enchanting like. Then again, Nezu had a quirk and he was a mouse. No doubt, this wolf must have had some sort of power.

Katsuki checked for wounds but found none," Healing huh? Good, now let's go

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Katsuki checked for wounds but found none," Healing huh? Good, now let's go. Before Izuku wakes up"

Almost sensing Katsuki's worry, Ash stood up and began walking to the hospital.

Katsuki grinned and followed him.

When they arrived at the hospital eyes were only on them. Ash sat by Katsuki with pride, his chest puffed and he looked beastly like his owner.

Katsuki would glare down anyone who whispered or tried to tell him he couldn't have a dog in the hospital.

" He's a wolf, difference. And he's also my wolf, so fuck off and don't tell me what to do."

When Tamaki saw the wolf he was instantly attached. Just like Katsuki, he hated the thought of endangered animals and it made him so sad...

Soon enough, doctor came out,"Sir, Izuku is awake..."

Small Bunny, Big BounceWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu