Chapter 22: Month 7 pt 2- Advice

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Since you guys love Tamaki so much, have a little more of him.

Denki and Sero helped their friend get into bed before calling Izuku's phone, but to no prevail. The bunny had his phone off and it went straight to voicmail.

Both were worried, but neither could do anything, they both had to look after Katsuki.

When Izuku ran out the house, it was in the heat of the moment. He ran with his eyes closed, not to his mom or his mentor, but to his Senpai. Tamaki Senpai.

See people always brushed off their relationship, but in reality, both Izuku and Tamaki were close. Tamaki had known Izuku since the bun was only 2 years old. Even though he was always anxious, Tamaki would protect the innocent souls from anything and everything.

The thorns on a rose?
Bubble wrap protected.

His lollipop?
Melted into a flat and large unshakable peice of candy.

His bicycle?
Child proof. The wheels, the handles, the breaks

His shoes?

Izuku was literally always in eye length of Tamaki. Tamaki considered him as a little brother. Their relationship was only wholesome and sweet.

Izuku found himself in front of Tamaki's House crying and sniffling.

Izuku was literally always in eye length of Tamaki. Tamaki considered him as a little brother. Their relationship  Upon hearing the cries, Tamaki was immediately alerted and rushed to the doors," I-Izu why are you crying?"

The pregnant bunny looked at him sadly and sniffled loudly," I-I was being too pushy... a-and now he hates me!"

Tamaki let the younger boy in and sighed.

Technically, both Katsuki and Izuku were in the wrong. Katsuki shouldn't have yelled and snapped, and Izuku shouldn't have been so persistent.

Both made easy mistakes that can be repaired, but it wasn't that simple for this couple to do.

Tamaki quickly sat Izuku on the couch and gently rubbed his back," Take deep breathes Izuku... Deep slow breathes... Once you're calm, tell me whats wrong..."

Izuku nodded and nuzzled Tamaki's shoulder while taking slow and deep breathes. Once he was fully calmed down, he began to explain.

After finishing the explanation, Tamaki could see how upset this had caused Izuku and felt bad for his friend.

Rubbing his back softly," It's okay now... How about you rest a little... And I'll make you some tea."

Izuku nodded at the suggestion and laid down on the couch. He shut his eyes and within minutes dosed off into a deep sleep.

Tamaki watched his drift off before quickly covering him up and getting changed.

He put on a jacket and his shoes before making his way to the couple's house. Once he was there, he gently knocked on the door and sighed.

Sero answered it, surprising the poor male," Tamaki? What are you doing here?"

Tamaki's face immediately turned bright pink," I-I came here to talk to Bakugo... I-If that is okay." Sero opened the door wider to let him in," Of course dude. So Izuku is at your place I presume"

Tamaki nodded gently," Yes, he's sleeping. I thought I'd take the opportunity to speak to his lover.. it seemed they got into a bit of a predicament earlier."

" Yeh they did" Denki appeared at the front of the living room door," Bakudude is in here. He's awake and sober.."

Tamaki entered, instantly, Katsuki's bead shot up to look at him," Is Izuku safe? Is he here? Did he get hurt?"

Tamaki sat next to him," No he's safe and okay, he's at my place sleeping... he told me what happened.."


" Well.... if I'm honest with you, you're both in the wrong... you shouldn't have lost it, he shouldn't have persisted... but in the end, you know you love him and can't afford to lose him, so just apologise and continue on, nothing too difficult, okay?"

Katsuki nodded and allowed Tamaki to lead him back to his home where Izuku was sleeping.

When they arrived, Katsuki was anxious to get to Izuku, not only had he been worried for him, he was also worried about their baby.

He rushed toward him quickly and kneeled down, gently brushingthe hairs out of his face," Hello beautiful.... I'm glad to see you're okay..." he muttered.

Izukj laid there peaceful and unharmed. Smiling, Katsuki lifted his lover into his arms and walked to the door smiling at Tamaki," Thank you again..."

Tamaki smiled happily," Of course. Now don't forget to be a little more gentle with him"

Katsuki nodded and made his way home carrying Izuku...

After Izuku woke up, Katsuki apologised and explained he was having a bad day, and that he shouldn't have yelled and taken out his anger on him.

Izuku, bless his soul, burst into tears about how worried he was that Katsuki hated him. It took Katsuki nearly 2 hours to stop his crying and they ended their extremely overly complicated day with a movie, dinner and a few sneaky beers.

 It took Katsuki nearly 2 hours to stop his crying and they ended their extremely overly complicated day with a movie, dinner and a few sneaky beers

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