Chapter 1: The First Day

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~Your POV~

It was my first day as a third year at UA and I was super excited to say the least. My alarm went off at 7:00 am and I sprung out of bed to start getting ready. I put on my school uniform and ran downstairs to eat breakfast with my little brother James. At 7:30 we started walking to the school. Once we got there we parted ways and went to our designated classrooms. At lunch I sat in the cafeteria eating alone as I always did. I don't mind though it is peaceful and it gives me a chance to think about anything that was bothering me or what I learned in the morning classes.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt someone towering over me. I looked up and saw my little brother who brought a smile to my face. "Heya sis what's up?" he asked as he sat down beside me. He always had a dorky grin on his face and I loved it. "Nothin much just thinkin. How about you? How's your first day going so far?" I interrogated because I couldn't wait to hear about it. "Same here, I saw you sitting alone so I thought I'd come sit with you." he tilted his head and smiled wide, "I've made a few friends already. Everyone in my class is so cool!"

The fact that he was gushing over his classmates was kind of funny I had to admit. I smiled and laughed a bit. "At least you're having fun little dude." I ruffled his naturally messy hair, which made him chuckle. "Well I should go and talk to my class." he stated as he stood up. "Alright I'll catch you after school." I waved as he smiled back at me. He's such a dork but I love him. I thought as I stood up. Seeing James happy was enough to make my day better, he knew this and he always tried his best to make sure I was smiling.

I gathered my things and went to my next class which was math. My grades were average in the class as I would usually end up day dreaming. It didn't cause too many problems for me but it did get me in trouble a few times. I just wanted to be home by the end of the class but I still had one more class. After the lecture we were given in History the class was given a thick booklet of worksheets to have completed by next Monday. This shouldn't be too hard. I don't have any friends to distract me after school or over the weekend so I can easily have this done. I thought as I stood up after we were dismissed.

I met up with James at the front gate and he was so excited to tell me about what happened. The whole way home he was gushing about all of his classmates and the teachers. I had to laugh because he reminded me of myself when I was a kid. He made it so easy for me to forget the pain I always bore of losing our parents. James was just a baby when they were killed. I was just about to turn 4. I had my mom's quirk which was crystallization. James had dad's quirk which was called geyser which meant he could make boiling hot water gush out of the ground. I was kind of jealous of it to be honest. When we got home I sat at the kitchen table and started to work on my History booklet.


That's all for this chapter! I know I haven't really introduced Tamaki or anyone else yet but that will hopefully be the next chapter!

Word count: 625

Also feel free to leave suggestions for scenarios to add to the story!

Alright my rant is done! ^^

Stay safe loves!

~Citrus The Bunny <3

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