Author's Note

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Updates for this may be slow but I will try to upload a chapter every day. This will include gore and rough sex stuff, so if that makes you uncomfortable turn back now! You have been warned!!

Also a little back ground for your "persona" in this.

You're a third year at UA in the same class as Tamaki. Although you've been sort of the outcast you've always wanted to be friends with the dark haired boy. Your quirk is crystallization meaning you can make giant crystals shoot out of the ground. (I think it's a cool quirk so work with me ladies.) Your parents were killed on a mission when you were young so you were raised by your grandparents. You have a younger brother who is in class 1-A and you are super close with him.

This story will also switch POV between a few characters so just watch for that so you don't get confused.

Okay I think that's all that needs to be said if I need to say anything else I'll just make an author's note at the end of the chapter.

Okie I'll get writing now! Bye loves and stay safe!!!

YANDERE Tamaki Amajiki x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now