Skate Park-Yakko x Reader

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Yakkos pov
"Yakko Warner.", Mr. Ray called out , I slouched in my chair and groaned a "hereeee". He called out the names of other students and continued to check off his list. "All of you should know why you are here! You have all been written up for something, so don't play dumb. No talking, put your head down, draw, or read!", His voice echoed across the room of silent children. I sighed and put my head onto my desk to take a nap. "Why are you late?", I heard My. Ray ask and I looked up to see what was going on. "Sorry I forgot I had detention.", a very attractive person said nervously. They sat down in the empty desk next to me and faced foreword. I put my head back onto my desk and covered it with my arms, 'They are so... cute', I thought to myself. I felt myself burn up as I made up scenarios in my head, I haven't even talked to them yet why am I acting like this. I brought my head back up and looked over at them, they were facing foreword with their hands holding up their head. I must have been staring for long because they looked at me and smiled which made the heat rise to my cheeks, I smiled back and got an idea. I started digging through my bag and pulled out my crumpled up homework, flipped it over gt and wrote "Whats your name :)". I then slid it over to their desk along with the pencil and watched silently as they wrote back.

2nd Person pov
You watched as the boy slid a piece of paper on your desk along with a pencil , you looked over at him smiling then quickly back at the paper to read what he wrote. "What's your name:)", you read in your head and smiled brightly, "Y/n, what's yours?", you wrote back and drew a small heart. You slipped the paper onto his desk and watched as he wrote a response and handed it back to you. "Yakko Warner, your next boyfriend maybe? If you'll take me ;)", you blushed while reading this, and heard him quietly giggle at your reaction. You quickly scribbled something back "I would.. if only I knew you better :(", you wrote back teasingly. You then handed him the paper and watched him write a response, but when he was about to hand you the paper a shadow loomed over the both of you. "Y/n! Yakko! What are you two doing?! LEAVE NOW! Go to the office you two can spend the rest of the day with the principle and see how he likes the both of you playing around!", You jumped in your chair and quickly grabbed your bag and stood up. "Wouldn't the smarter thing be to separate us instead of have the both of us go to the same place?", Yakko responded smartly as he stood up with his bag. "Well then smart guy you stay he-", Mr. Ray began but was quickly shushed by Yakko, "What was that? Sorry Teachers orders we've gotta go!", he said aloud and grabbed your arm and rushed out the room.

"What was that?", You laughed as you both began to walk into the hall, "Just giving him a hard time", Yakko responded setting your arm free. You began to walk to the front office which was just down the hall but Yakko was walking the other way. "Hey what are you doing?", The both of you called out to each other in unison. "I'm going to the office!", you called out and he walked back up to you. "Y/n! Babe! you can't go to the office! What are you gonna do there sit. Be bored? We can just leave the school always has the side doors open! I bet Mr. Ray  didn't even tell the office were going so everyone still thinks we're in detention and we'll be back before schools over don't worry about it!", he said and put an arm around you and began to walk towards the side doors. "I guess as long as we're back before anyone notices we'll be fine.", you agreed and the both of you walked out the doors and back into the outside world.

"Where can we even go?", You asked and he took his arm off your shoulders to stare at you dramatically. "WHAT!? Where can we go? Love, we can go anywhere, we can go and do we want, the movies! Go eat! The mall! Fall in love! ANYTHING!", he exclaimed and began to bounce around. "I'm sorry what was the last on-" "Hold that thought cutie, i've got it! We can go to the skatepark!", he exclaimed and put an arm around you again. You made a face and repeated his idea, "The skatepark? But I can't skate." "No problem, I can teach you! Just gotta get my board back at home", he said and began to walk to his house, you followed. Upon arrival he told you to wait outside, you stood there for a minute or two kicking small pebbles around his drive way. "Got it!", he shouted out as he locked his door and stuck the key into his pocket. You guys then walked to the skatepark which was only five minutes away from the school, that way you could run back right before the day ended. "Okay so set down your bag and come here.", Yakko ordered and you followed. You set your bag down on the cold cement and walked over to Yakko. "Okay step on slowly, I can hold onto you if that helps.", he said and you nodded your head. He held tightly onto your waist as you put a foot on the board. He then taught you how to move around and keep your balance. After a few hours of practicing he showed you the tricks he could do, you sat down on a small bench and watched as he skated around the equipment, making it look easy. "What time is it!!", Yakko called out from across the park and you looked down at your watch "3:30!! WAIT 3:30 LETS GO!",You called out and he quickly ran to you. You guys grabbed your bags and ran back to the schools side door, when you walked in everybody was already being let out of class so you guys blended in perfectly. "Well Love i've gotta go get my siblings out of class but maybe we could do this again sometime", he winked and kissed your cheek goodbye. "Yeah ! Thanks Yakko! Wait can I get your number!!",you called back. "I would give it to ya but then what would you look forward to tomorrow if you talk to me all night", he replied and gave you a side smile. You blushed and walked to the front of the school to wait for your bus. The whole ride home you were thinking about how today went, very unexpected but amazing. It was true what Yakko said, now you have something to look forward to tomorrow.

Happy holidays guys!!!

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