Snow- Wakko x Male Angle Wolf reader

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— Requested by @Chaoticgaybirb27 —
2nd person pov
"ITS SNOWINGG!!!!!", your partner of 5 months Wakko yelled as he woke you up this morning. "Huh what?", you asked turning to the side and sitting up, your ears slouching a bit. "SNOW SNOW Y/N RIGHT NOW SNOWWW!", he yelled in your face and bounced off the bed and out the room. "Well i'm up.", you said to yourself and crawled out of bed to follow Wakko. As you walked out your room you saw Wakko digging through a small closet next to your front door and pulling out two giant puffy jackets. "Here!", he called out and threw one at you, you caught it easily and ruffled the fur on your head to help yourself wake up. Wakko quickly put on his jacket and began to jump around still yelling about the snow. "We haven't even eaten yet aren't you hungry?", you asked waking into your ur kitchen with the jacket still in one hand. "Well, yes but THE SNOW!", he called out following you. "Well you have to eat before you play! I mean eating is your whole thing!?", you called out handing him a bowl and serving him his favorite cereal. You turned around to grab the milk but he had already finished all the cereal before you could pour any. "Wakko wha-", you began, "Hurry hurry the snow!!", he said interrupting you and shoving the bowl back into your hands. You smiled slightly and put the bowl in the sink. "You know the snow isn't gonna melt in the few seconds I eat!", you said to him and he pouted adorably. You kissed his cheek and began to serve yourself a bowl of cereal. As you sat down and ate Wakko stared out the window looking at the snow. "Okay i'm ready!", you called out and put your jacket on, Wakko quickly jumped into your arms and gave you a big kiss and pulled you out the door. The cold hit you making your ears twitch, and your tail curl at first.

Wakko pulled you into the driveway filled with snow that was almost up to your thighs. "Isn't this amazing!", Wakko yelled out letting himself fall backwards into the show, you smiled at him and agreed. "Wanna make a snowman?", you asked and he nodded his head quickly and ran to start piling snow. You guys built the snowman, and put small pebbles as eyes and a long thin leave as a smile. "Faboo!", Wakko called out and hugged onto you tightly making you loose your balance and fall into the snow with him. The both of you laughed it off and played around, jumping in giant snow piles together and having a snow ball fight.

After a while you got cold and so did he and you guys went back inside, he took off his jacket and you took your off you left them in the entrance of your house because they were wet and filled with snow. "Wait Y/n come here", Wakko said and brushed a small amount of snow from your ears and then gave you a quick kiss on the forehead, making you blush. You then made hot cocoa in a giant cup and filled it which tiny marshmallows, then added two straws one for you and the other for Wakko and headed to your room where Wakko was laying in bed. You sat on your bed and he sat up next to you and drank the hot cocoa, most of it, in under a second but he left you some! When you were done you set the giant mug done on the ground next to the bed and snuggled up close to Wakko, he pet his hands through your fur, giving you a comforting feeling. "You're the best boyfriend", Wakko said quietly continuing to stroke your head softly, except you couldn't answer because you had fallen asleep. Which meant it wouldn't be long until Wakko fell asleep.

this ones a bit short!! but i think it's so cute i'm done for tonight! but i'm still working on three more requests for tomorrow have a nice night/morning/afternoon guys:)

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