Day Off - Dot x reader

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2nd person pov

You and Dot were listening to music and walking around the Warner Brothers studios out of boredom. "EGAD! Brain you astound me!", You heard and both turned around to see tiny Pink and Brain waddling around with a giant remote control. "Now what are you little fellas doing?", Dot asked while taking the remote from their hands. "What is it?", you asked and peaked over her shoulder. It was a giant controller with red buttons and a signal stick poking out of it. "What's this do?", She asked and as she was about to push the red button Brain yelled "NO DONT!" He was to late because once Dot pushed the button, which turned out to be a self destruct button the remote began to shake. "Yikes!", you yelled and slapped the remote away from Dots hands as it began to smoke. You, Dot, Pinky, and Brain ran for cover which ended up not being necessary for the remote never did explode. "Well Pinky let's go we must get ready for tomorrow night.", Brain said confidently. "Hmm watcha gonna do tomorrow night?",
Dot asked while intwining her arm around yours. "Try to take over the world!!!!",Brain yelled and began to walk back to his lab with Pinky.

You and Dot continued your journey and danced around as you passed a few rooms with music blasting. Eventually you both ended up at the studios cafe. "Wanna order something it's on me!", You said while pulling her in and she agreed. You both shared a smoothie and Dot requested 'the most romantic heart straws you have'. After finishing the smoothie you both talked about filming and what not and noticed that Dot was starting to lean into you closer and closer. "Hey Dot..", you said quietly your faces only inches apart. "yeah?",she replied while fluttering her eyelashes girlishly. "I've had a lot of fun today.", You say and she makes a funny face. "and?", she asked. "and.. you mean a lot to me.", you continued. She smiled but then made another face like if she was expecting more. "anddd?", she asked coming closer only millimeters away from your face. "Can I kiss you..?", you asked and drew back immediately regretting what you had just said. "finally! I've been waiting for you to ask!", She said fluttering her eyelashes again and putting her hands together in a cute pose. She then did the honor and kissed you. You blushed and giggled a bit. You both decided it was time to head back to the water tower so you both frolicked back hand in hand. It was a good day.

Animaniacs X Reader 1 | [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن