Yakko -Dot X Reader

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2nd person pov

"Who are you exactly?", Yakko glared at you as you stood next to his sister, Dot, both of you holding an ice cream cone. You looked at the  toon in front of you and gulped. "Oh i'm Dot's friend.", you said, "Weird I've never seen you.", he said and glared you up and down. "Yeah friends for now but soon to be lovers.", Dot said smirking and applying lipstick. You slowly walked towards Yakko trying to make a good impression, "My names Y/n by the way.", you said sticking your hand out hoping he would shake it. "Yakko.", was all he said and stared at your hand then back up at you. You slowly moved your hand out the way,"ahem! Well Y/n we should get going you know we've got places to go", Dot began pulling your arm softly and Yakko frowned.

"DOT! YAKKO! RANDOM PERSON MOVE!", you heard someone yell from behind you but it was too late to look back. A toon running on a giant toy ball holding about fifty bags of goldfish rammed into you guys causing the snacks to go flying. You sat up and got a closer look at the boy in a red cap and blue turtle neck. "I'm Wakko!", he smiled, "Y/n!", you replied. "Wakko you made a mess!", Yakko shouted out and groaned. "Who did this!", a bald funny looking man in a lab coat yelled as he looked at the mess. "Hiya Scratchy!", Dot yelled out giving the doctor a kiss, you couldn't help but daydreaming being the one to receive the kiss. "Anyway Y/n what do you say we get outta here?", Dot smirked and you gulped nervously. "Well actually I don't really know I'm thi-",you began as Yakko glared at you. " I promiseeeee we'll have fun!", Dot jumped into your lap and fluttered her eyelashes. "O-okay.", you spit out and she gave you a quick kiss before standing up and picking you up by your arm. You wobbled as you stood up trying to process what happened but she quickly pulled you away. "Byeeee!", Dot called out waving at Yakko, and he made a face at her.

"Dont mind my brother he can be overprotective.", she frowned as she held your arm and you laughed nervously. Dot led you to a small building and the two of you walked in. "This is the costume building I like helping design clothes", she said, "woah that's actually pretty cool", you smiled back and she ran up to a rack of clothing. "Here it is! This is what I helped Jenny with last week", she smiled proudly at her work. "Jenny?", "Oh yeah she's the head costume designer here- oh look touch the fabric isn't it great!", Dot grabbed your hand gently and placed it on the fabric. "Wow it is really nice!", you smiled rubbing the soft fabric. She began to dig through the rack to look for more things and you couldn't help but smile and how she lit up when showing you her favorite pieces. After a few hours of her showing you the process and helping you design something of your own, which you weren't good at but you loved how it gave her a boost of confidence, the two of you headed back to the water tower.

"What took you guys so long we've been waiting for hours!", Yakko said pausing the tv and making Wakko frown. "We were just having a great time on our date.", Dot said smirking at him and quickly grabbing your arm and pulling you close. You blushed at the contact, which Yakko noticed and it seemed to upset him a bit. "A date hmm?", he asked glaring at her. "I'll be right back y/n", Dot said giving you a kiss on the cheek and running into a room. You stood awkwardly in the living room until Yakko invited you to sit down which you accepted. "So you guys are dating now?", he asked not looking away from the tv. "oh uhh no no I actually didn't know that was a date ..", you said staring at your lap. "hmm.. well look I just want the best for my sister alright. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier.", he said this time looking at you. Your nerves went down as you felt instant relief. "Dot is amazing I like being around her and letting her talk about her interests, she's smart, funny, and-", was all you managed to say before Dot skipped into the living room. "Yakko! Y/n Is he bothering you!?", she asked looking at him angrily. "Oh no no we uhh we're just talking.", you smiled at her and her face lightened up. "Dot I want you to be happy, I just worry something will happen like last time..", he began and her face sank into an expression you had never seen her make. "Yeah..", was all she said. "But Y/n seems like a good person.", Yakko continued. Dot smiled, ran up to him on the couch and gave him a big hug. "Hey Y/n can you pass the remote?", Wakko said breaking his silence, you flinched forgettinf he was even there, "oh yeah sure.", you said handing it to him. He unpaused the tv and began to watch. Dot and Yakko finished talking and she quickly looked at you and smiled. "I got this", she said showcasing a small cd of your favorite album. "I have a player in my room if you wanna listen, I know you like music and all day you let me talk about what I like so I thought we could-", "Let's go!", you shouted out and pulled her to the room. She smiled brightly and played the cd for you guys, while Yakko and Wakko continued to watch tv.

"I think I like them.", Yakko said to Wakko, "who?", "Y/n.", "Who's that?", "Never mind Wakko."

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