Someone flirts w/ them when your there

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-Random person walks up to you guys and completely ignores the fact he's holding your hand, "you're cute.. and i'm cute.. we would probably look good together.", they said flirtatiously, he looked at you and you frowned. He then looks back at the person, "I don't know about that.. do you own any mirrors? Because I will gladly buy you one on the house!", he said winking at them then passionately kissing you.

-You guys were sitting in a group of people when one person puts their arm around him, "Wanna leave.. so we can be alone?", they asked and he quickly frowned and look over at you, who hadn't noticed. He grabbed his mallet and smashed them making you look over. He smiled and hugged you, "Muaaaahhhh", he kissed you and the whole group watched.

-"Hey! who are you! You are gorgeous wanna go out sometime?", a person asked as you and Dot walked around the mall. "Excuse me?! Cant you see my s/o holding onto me?!", she yelled out annoyed at the person. "Ditch them baby! You'll be a lot happier with me.", they said slyly and smiled. She shook with anger, "Dot just ignore them... they are desperate for attention", "oh attention huh?!", she asked and ran up to them kicking them (you know where). "That serves you right!", she said happily blowing them a kiss as she skipped away and grabbed your hand.

I'm working on a Yakko story 4 tomorrow!!

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