When they/you propose

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-requested by @trashyfangirlFML —

How they react if you propose

-Flustered because he wasn't expecting this
-Realizes what you just asked and freaks out
-Hugs you super tight only reappearing "iloveyouiloveyou" for like 5 minutes
-"So when are we having the kids?"

-Starts blushing because people are watching
-Jumps around and into your arms
-Attacks you with kisses

-Starts sobbing
-So excited, "YESSSSSSS!!"
-Wants to start wedding planning
-Starts calling wedding dress stores

How they propose

-Really nervous
-Took him like 3 months to pick the perfect ring
-Practices in the mirror
-Takes you to a concert of Y/F/M (your fav musician, band , or singer)
-Proposes after the concert

-Gets a ring that's your favorite color
-Takes you to a restaurant
-Goes to the bathroom like 5 times out of nerves
-Got to nervous so he suggested going to the movies
-Proposed at the movie theater and people saw so you got free snacks

-Pretty confident you will say yes
-Dresses her best and picks out the nicest ring
-Takes you on one of those little french boat rides while the sun is setting
-Proposes on the boat
-Gives you flowers and a stuffed animal as well

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