Hispanic Artist Reader X Yakko

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-Requested by @drawing_arm-

2nd person pov

You walked through the doors of a coffee shop in town, your favorite song playing in your earbuds. The warm smell of coffee in the air as you took your seat away from where most people were seated. You opened your bag up and pulled out your sketchbook then a pencil, you quietly tapped along to the music with your foot as you began to doodle. "HELLOOOO NURSE!", you hear but before you can look up two random toons had jumped onto your lap and began to kiss your cheek. You gasped and they both jumped off. "I'm Wakko!", one in a red cap and blue turtle neck said to you as he stood and gave you a silly wave, "uhh Y/n..", you said still confused. "And i'm... Yakko", the next toon said practically fainting on the floor. You giggled and he quickly stood back up and took your hand giving it a small kiss. "I'm Y/-", you began. "Y/n right? Yeah I heard earlier that's a cute name", he smiled at you. "Thanks", was all you could say back. "So whatcha listening to?", he questioned pulling out your earbud and taking a listen. "Spanish?", he asked still listening to the song. "Yeah.. i'm hispanic", you smiled. "and i'm in love", he smirked and took the seat across from you.

"What's that?", Wakko asked pointing to the sketchbook in front of you. "My sketchbook", you said back. "OOO!! Can I see inside please please can I!", he called out and you handed it to him allowing him to flip through the filled pages. "Wow! Nice! I really like that one!", was all you could hear him mutter as he flipped page by page. "Hey I wanna see!", Yakko said snatching the book from him and looked through it. "So your an artist?", Yakko questioned smiling at you. You nodded at him, "can you get any more cute?!", he asked leaning into your face and squeezing your cheeks slightly. "Well-", you began but he interrupted. "What's your favorite movie?", he asked so quickly it was almost unintelligible. "my what?", you asked slightly tilting your head, "Your favorite movie!", Yakko repeated. "Oh easy [insert movie!!]", you replied and his eyes widened as he backed away into his seat. "Wow.. they can get cuter.", he muttered to himself and you blushed hoping he wouldn't notice. Before he could speak again Wakko interrupted.

"Yakko didn't we tell Dot we would meet her at the-", Wakko began standing next to the table. "Ah ah ah! Wakko my dear sib go tell Dot I won't be able to make it, tell her i've just met the love of my life she'll understand.", he said looking at Wakko, who nodded back, he then turned his head back to you and smiled. Wakko ran out the coffee shop quickly leaving you and Yakko to talk. "Can you draw me?", he asked smirking, "well I can try..", you said knowing that was every artists most dreaded question. Yakko sat perfectly still as you began to sketch smooth lines in your book. "Okay I think i'm done!", you announced after a few minutes and he quickly leaned over the table to see. "Wow that's actually amazing!", he shouted out as he admired the portrait. "You can keep it", you smiled and he quickly ripped the page out the book and hugged it. He then leaned over the table kissing you. You gave him a flustered look knowing you had actually enjoyed it, "Sorry couldn't help it", he shrugged and began to admire the drawing again.

He then took back the book as he admired his drawing and began to draw other things as you had originally planned to do when you walked in. You felt a stare and looked up at him, his face was resting in his hand and his elbow perfectly placed on the table as he watched you. "what?", you questioned furrowing your eyebrows ever so slightly. "You're so cute", he said as if in a trance, still keeping his face up with his hand. ".. thanks. so are you", you said quietly thinking he wouldn't hear. "What?!", he called out quickly his body to lean slightly over the table. "what?", you asked nervously noticing he came slightly closer. "You said thanks and then something after.", he said smiling slightly. "Oh well uhh.. I was just saying so are you, you know returning the compliment.", you said as you fidgeted with the pencil in your hand. "you think i'm cute?", he questioned leaning slightly closer. "well uhm.. yes", you said quietly. "oh yeah?", he smirked, then came so close he was practically on top of the table. You stared down at your lap nervously and he picked your face up gently with his hand, "You're adorable", he smiled jumping onto your lap and giving you a tight hug.

"Wanna go to my house maybe we can get to know each other better", he smiled and you nodded nervously, but you we're excited. As you guys walked out the coffee shop you had remembered you hadn't even ordered anything but it was too late now. "woah!", Yakko said loudly as he pulled your waist near him, you broke out of your day dream like trance. "huh?", you said looking down at him holding you, "you almost bumped into that guy!", he said, "I saved you, you can thank me later or know a kiss would be nice", he said still holding onto you. You leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, his eyes became hearts as he nearly melted on the ground. This time he was in the trance and hit a pole as he walked, you hadn't noticed from laughing at him. "ow!", he called out as he fell onto the ground and got a bruise on his arm. "Are you okay?!", you called out going down onto the floor to help him. "Yeah.... but another kiss could really help maybe uhhh the lips this time", he winked.

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