Cake- Dot x Reader

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2nd person pov
"I've got the eggs!!!", Dot called out as she danced over to you holding an egg in each hand and placing them on the counter next to you. "Alright thanks", you replied kissing her cheek and begging to crack the eggs into a giant bowl. There wasn't really a reason why you two were baking a cake, you guys were just bored and already went to the mall 3 times this week. "You know Wakko is probably gonna eat the whole thing before we're finished", you told her as she danced around the kitchen lip syncing to the music she was playing. She stopped dancing and looked at you, "Well were just gonna have to take some pieces for him and hide the rest!", Dot said and continued her dancing around. "Yeah but what if he-", you began "shhh it will be fine he knows better than to mess with me", she said putting her finger over your mouth and winking. You laughed at her remark and started stirring the cake mix around. "Olive oil!", you called out and Dot jumped over to the cabinet, grabbed the olive oil, and made a little twirl before handing it to you. You began to pour in the oil and mix. After a few minutes of mixing and watching Dot act like she was in a music video it was finally ready. "Here your favorite part!", you called out and Dot quickly ran over to you as you held the spoon filled with batter next to her face for her to lick. "I'm gonna put this in the oven, get the frosting!", you called out to Dot and she did just that as you poured the batter into a cake pan and plopped it into the oven.

While the cake baked you helped Dot pick out the best looking sprinkles which endedp up being little red hearts, and Dot chose Strawberry frosting. You sat on the counter staring down the oven, waiting for a beep, Dot sat in your lap singing along to the music. 'beeeeep beeeeep' The oven finally rang after 15 minutes. "It's ready!!!", Dot called out and jumped off your lap and grabbed the oven gloves. She handed one to you and put one on herself, she then opened the oven with her gloves hand while you grabbed the cake with yours. "it's ready", you said a loud as you stuck a tooth pick into it and watched as none of it stuck onto the tooth pick signifying it didn't need to go back into the oven. "Yay!!! Does that mean I can decorate?!", Dot asked excitedly, "Yes!", you cheered. "Okay but you have to go over there", she said pointing to the living room couch, "You can't see what i'm doing it's a surprise", she said strictly and pushed you out the kitchen before you could respond. You sat on the couch and watched some tv while Dot got to work. "IM DONE!!! Come back!", Dot called and you ran into the kitchen to see what the cake looked like. Dot smiled at you as you walked into the kitchen and pointed to the Pink frosted cake that said 'Dot ❤️ Y/n', in Red frosting with small red hearts scattered around the whole cake. You gasped in shock and stared at the cake blankly, "ITS AMAZING!", you yelled hugging her tightly, "Yeah I know", Dot replied as you hugged onto her. Just then you guys heard the front door unlocking followed by a "We're homeee!!!", from Yakko and wakko a few seconds later. "We're in the kitchen!", both you and Dot called out and you heard footsteps walking in. "A CAKE?!!!!!", Wakko yelled out running towards the counter, Dot glared at him and he quickly stopped and made a face. "Do you guys want a piece?", you asked as you grabbed plates, followed by Dot saying "Only one. Wakko.", and Wakko sighing. "I'll take one!", Yakko called out as he sat on the table waiting for his slice, "Me toooo!!", Wakko called out, taking a seat next to Yakko. You cut two slices of cake and put them on two separate plates each with a fork and placed them on the counter, which Dot grabbed and took to her brothers. "And for us", she reminded you as she stood behind you watching you cut a piece for you and her. You guys joined Wakko and Yakko on the table, Wakko had eaten his in one bite, expected. "hmm this is actually pretty good!", Yakko said nodding as he ate his slice. You and Dot smiled at him then at each other and ate your slices. After eating cake it was time to pick up the mess, which wasn't fun. Dot and Yakko helped, Dot picked up the oil, and other ingredients while Yakko washed dirty dishes. You picked up sprinkles and other things that had fallen onto the floor during the process.

After picking up Dot said she was tired  and you both agreed to take a nap in her room. She snuggled up close, the both of you wrapped in her pink wool blanket, fast asleep.

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