Poem- Yakko x reader

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Yakkos pov
"ANNOYING. UNBEARABLE. LITTLE BRAT!", Ms. Ray yelled at me I just stared at her blankly. "hmm something tells me you don't like me?", I said and smiled a big smile at her. "GET. OUT.", She yelled so loudly I could feel the wind. She grabbed my bag from next to my desk and took it to the door of the classroom. I followed quietly , picked it up , and waved goodbye to everyone as slowly as possible and left the room. 'now what.', I thought as I walked through the empty halls. I'm definitely not going to the principals office, maybe I should go to the bathroom and hide out in there until lunch. I walked into the bathroom, It was filthy. Toilet paper everywhere and what I hope was water all over the tile floor. "not today.", I said aloud to myself and walked right back out the door. I walked around the hall some more until I passed a giant window that was showing the outside courtyard and what seemed to be a person on a laptop sitting on the concrete floor! In this weather! I took a turn and went out into the courtyard and next to the mystery person.
2nd person pov
You heard someone open the glass door leading into the courtyard, followed by foot steps and then a voice. "Hi! I'm Yakko!", The voice said and you looked up to see the toon towering over you with their hand stretched out for a handshake. "umm hi i'm Y/n.", you replied and shook his hand but was only greeted by the surprise of him pulling you up from the ground. "woah what!", You said as you were being pulled up. "It's cold isn't it, say uhh why are you out here anyway?", he questioned. "project. I have to write a stupid poem for english.", you stated and swayed on your feet. "and so you decide to do it outside in the cold on concrete?", he asked and made a slight tsk sound. He sounded like a disappointed parent you thought. "well yeah I guess , my teacher said we could go around the school in groups to get ideas", you replied. "Oh I see, but there's nobody else here." , he said and then bent down to grab your laptop and began to walk you inside. "my groups not at school today.", you said while walking with Yakko through the glass doors back inside to the warm school. "maybe if we go somewhere less cold your brain will thaw out and you can write more than just a word!", he said jokingly after glancing at the document open on the computer. You laughed quietly.
Yakkos pov
I began to lead Y/n into the library and we both took a seat. They just stared at the laptop and eventually smashed the keyboard with their head. I admit it was kinda cute. "hmm oh! I have an idea!", I said and they picked their head up quickly to look at me. "what about a love poem. about me.", I said and wiggled my eyebrows. "what nooo", they said laughing. They thought I was funny. I spun the laptop around to face me and began to furiously type. They watched in amazement, adorable.
2nd person pov
Yakko was typing and typing and typing and didn't stop to take a break. Eventually he yelled out "DONE!", which made the librarian shush him and we both laughed quietly. You turned the computer and began to read what he wrote. "Yakko this is awesome!!", you said excitingly and he began to bow his head dramatically as if he had just finished preforming in a play. He had written a poem about time and how it was just a construct it confused you a bit but it was so intriguing at the same time. "How can I repay you! You don't understand how much you just helped me out!", you squealed. "oh trust me I understand that's why it'll cost ya a kiss", he said fluttering his eyelashes and pointing to his cheek. You laughed quietly trying to figure out if this was another one of his jokes. "no but really I want a popsicle.", he said and you agreed to get him one at the school cafeteria. Eventually you had to go back to class so he walked you their and waited for the lunch bell to ring, you both planned to meet up and you bought him and yourself two popsicles, he sat with you at lunch and you actually found out you both have a lot in common. "so when do I get that kiss?", he asked finishing up his popsicles and you sighed playfully and kissed him on the cheek.

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