🎄☃️🧊Tinsel - Christmas Special!!🧊☃️🎄

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"Wanna watch a film?" Blue Steve asked, and everyone agreed as they all settled down with each other on the sofa, all of them wrapped in each others arms.

Little did they realise that it had already struck midnight, and that they had already been celebrating Christmas together.


•Mini Story Two: Merry Christmas

Summary: On the day of Christmas, Galaxy Steve and Alex are celebrating  with the Overseer and others at the Steve village, when an old friend decides to log on to surprise them for Christmas.

Characters Included:

•Overseer (Elder Blue)
•Galaxy Steve
•Red Steve
•Blue Steve
•Green Steve


•Sabre's PoV

"This is it." I mumble as my finger hovers over the reconnect button. I take a deep breath and press down, my vision going completely black.

I wake up exactly where I logged of, by the lake. I smiled nervously and stood up, brushing myself off. 'Wonder what they'll think of the outfit.' I thought as a readjusted my bandana, making sure it was wrapped tightly around my head.

I was wearing a green jumper with a Christmas scene sowed into the front of it. It had a snowman and a house, I remember that. I was also wearing a pair of grey jeans and black boots, and I had a small snowflake clip in my hair.
Before I left the server, Galaxy Steve gave me it and told me to wear it on Christmas Day. I promised him a would, and I don't break my promises. Not often, that is.

After I was finished fiddling with that, I faced away from the lake and looked around. "Pretty sure the village is in this direction." I say as I started to walk to my left.

After a while I see a familiar statue with tinsel wrapped around it, and I quicken up my pace.

As I get closer I can see that the entire town is lit up with fairy lights, and everyone has decorations for their houses. I smile at the sight, feeling excitement start to rush through me.

I hear chatting coming from near the statue and the Overseer's house and I smile, as I reach the front of the village.


I looked in front of me, instantly recognising the Steve's that Alex had healed. There were a few more as well, but they seemed confused.

"Hey Blue Steve and Red Steve." I greeted, and the Blue one came over and hugged me. "Merry Christmas.." He said, breaking the hug, and I smiled. "Merry Christmas. To all of you!" I said the last part slightly louder so the others Steve's could hear, and most of them said it back.

"Hey, are Galaxy Steve and Alex here by any chance?" I asked, and Red Steve nodded. "They're with the Overseer and Green Steve up there." He replied, and I thanked him as I walked over the the house by the statue.

I stopped when I was around a couple of metres away from them, and smiled. The Overseer was in his usual dark blue attire, but instead of a plain blue jumper, it had snowflakes on the front of it. He also had a bit of silver tinsel threaded into his hair. 'No doubt that was Galaxy Steve.' I thought, smiling.

Green Steve was dressed in a green jumper with a dark green silhouette of a few children having a snowball fight. He was wearing a pair of brown jeans and green shoes. He had a headband of that carried reindeer antlers, which I thought was quite cute. He had a bit of Orange tinsel in his hair.

Alex was dressed up like an elf. She had a red and green striped jumper, with dark reddish jeans and brown boots. She had her hair down, and like the other two, she had tinsel in her hair. The only difference was that the tinsel in her hair was red. All of this was accompanied by a small elf hat.

Galaxy Steve's attire consisted of a deep purple jumper, with a white silhouette of a house, the moon, and Santa's slay being pulled by reindeers. He had a pair of relatively dark blue jeans on, and a pair of grey boots. His Galaxy cape was flowing behind him, and he also had tinsel in his hair. His was golden.

The last thing I noticed was that they were all wearing a snowflake hair clip just like the one Galaxy Steve had given me before I left, which caused me to smile.

I cleared my throat, catching their attention. They looked shocked when they saw me, and I laughed. "Merry Christmas guys!" I yelled happily, and Galaxy Steve ran up and hugged me. I laughed, hugging back. Soon enough, Alex and Green Steve joined in as well. The Overseer sighed, but smiled as he walked over and joined in.

After a long minute, we all pulled away smiling like idiots.

"Sabre, that's actually you right?" Galaxy Steve asked in disbelief, his eyes watering slightly. "Yeah, it's me. Who else wears a blindfold around here, hmm?" I replied, and he hugged me again. "Those better be happy tears Galaxy." I said in a fake sternness, and he laughed in response. "They are, Sabre. They are.."

After he pulled away, I was engulfed in a hug from Alex. "Hey Alex." I said, and she laughed. "Hey Sabre."

The next person to hug me was Green Steve. "Merry Christmas." He muttered and I smiled, saying it back.

I then walked to the Overseer and hugged him. "It's okay to hug back y'know." I reassured, and he did. "I missed you.." he mumbled quietly, and I smiled, breaking the hug. "I missed you too."

"Sabre?" Galaxy Steve asked, and I looked over at him. I noticed a few other Steves from the village had walked up as well. "Are you leaving again..?" He asked sadly, and I just chuckled. "No, I think I can stay. It's not like I have anything else to do." I replied, and Galaxy looked at me. "Really?" He asked hopefully, and I nodded. "Really."

He hugged me for the third time in a row and the others laughed. "Oh yeah, by the way," The Galaxy Clad Steve said, breaking the hug and pulling out a piece of dark green tinsel. He gently threaded it into my hair, and he pulled away smiling. I laughed, and thanked him.

We spent all day catching up, blasting music and playing games. After all of this I have to say..

I'm glad I returned.


I hope you enjoyed these mini Christmas stories :D

Again, wanna stay updated over Christmas, drop me a follow! I'll be posting in the community/announcement section of the account UwU
Haha, shameless plug go brrrrrr-

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, and I'll see you all later.

Word Count: 1688

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