Cold.. - 💙🌈

657 19 6

Platonic! (Friendship/Family)
Rainbow Steve x Blue Steve

Summary: Blue Steve and Rainbow Steve take shelter from a storm inside a cave. They set up a bed for night time, a small campfire, and a little work bench. As they settle down, Rainbow starts complaining about the cold, and Blue Steve would do anything within reason to shut him up.

•Third Person PoV

"We've been walking for a while Rainbow, you sure were going in the right direction?" Blue Steve asked, fidgeting with his hand whilst he followed Rainbow Steve through the slightly forested area.

"Of course I know where I'm going! It's a fifty/fifty chance Blue, we're fine." Rainbow Steve responded. I got us lost. I sooo got us lost. He thought to himself.

"Oh okay- Wait! Fifty fifty?! Rainbow Steve you said you knew where we were going!" Blue yelled, Rainbow Steve swivelling around to face him.

"I know it's somewhere in this direction, I just don't know exactly where!" He yelled in defence. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't necessarily the answer Blue wanted to hear.

Rainbow sighed as Blue glared at him. "Look, lets just keep going before it rains."

Just as they started walking again, it started raining. They both paused, and looked at each other. "Oh you've got gone kidding me!" Rainbow yelled in frustration.
"Great, now it's raining." Blue muttered, causing slight tension between the two.

"Hey look, a cave! Maybe we should wait out the storm in there, and get going the morning after!" The colourful Steve suggested, dragging his friend slightly to prove his point. "Yeah, okay. That'll do I guess."

They ran into the cave, far enough where it wasn't wet, but close enough that they could see the entrance. "Shall I block it up?" Rainbow asked, pointing at the entrance. Blue glanced at him, unsure. "We can put a door and a window in! Make a little base, y'know?" He added. Blue Steve relaxed at that. "How about I'll do that part, and you set up a little camp?" Blue said, taking some cobble out of his inventory.
"Oh, okay."

Rainbow Steve grabbed the sixteen logs he had on him, and made them into wood. "A whole stack of wood?! That's plenty!" He exclaimed, making a crafting table, and placing it in the corner. He proceeded to make two furnaces and two chests, placing them down as well.

Hmm, what now? Oh, I'll ask Blue Steve if he has any spare wool on him! Rainbow thought, as he lacked a single piece of wool for a bed.

Blue placed a door down, and smiled. He had successfully made a proper entrance. There was a single wooden door, along with a small 1 by 2 window. The rest was just cobble.

"Hey Blue Steve, do you have any- Woah! How'd you do that so fast!" He turned to Rainbow, who looked surprised. He laughed slightly, before responding. "It wasn't that fast Rain, and besides, it was only a small cave entrance. Anyways, what did you need?" He asked, walking over to his colourful friend.

"Oh, I was wondering if you had any spare wool!" Rainbow Steve asked, showing him the two pieces of wool, "Y'know, for a bed! We can take turns resting and guarding."

"Oh, right! Here ya go!" Blue responded, tossing him a few pieces of wool.
"Thanks Blue Steve!" Rainbow smiled, making a bed and placing it in a far corner, away from the cold.

"Torches?" Blue asked.
"Got em'!"

Rainbow placed a few torches around, they gave of a nice warm glow. "Wanna make a fire pit, so we have a little more warmth?" Blue asked, fiddling with his hoodie sleeve. He was fine with the cold really, he was asking more so for Rainbow's sake.

"Yeah, I think we should." Rainbow responded, glancing at his long sleeved top. Not all that warm at the moment. Rainbow thought, grabbing an axe. "I'll go grab some logs quickly." He said, running out the door, not bothering to close it behind him.

Blue went and put his stuff in one of the chests rainbow had made. Dirt, cobble, bit of food, bit of coal, bit of wood, two spare doors, and some spare stone tools. He mentally listed. Maybe we should find iron so we could get better tools. He considered it for a minute, before Rainbow ran back in, closing the door. He spun around and gasped.

"Rain, your soaked! How hard is it raining out there?" He asked, rushing to him to grab the logs. "V-Very hard.." he muttered, dropping the logs to Blue Steve, who started working on a fire pit.

"Blue?" Rainbow asked quietly. He got a hum in response. "I'm cold." Blue looked up at him, still making the fire pit. He smiled. "You'll be fine Rain. The fire pits almost done, you can warm up then."

Rainbow nodded, and walked to the chest, dumping basically everything into it apart from the Blue and Red artifacts, a flint and steel to light the fire with, a couple pieces of bread, and a few stone tools. Maybe I should keep some blocks on me, he thought, picking the dirt and cobble back up.

"Flint and steel?" Blue Steve asked.

"Yep!" Rainbow replied, throwing it over. "Nice catch." Rainbow laughed, and Blue Steve chuckled. "Thanks."

As soon as Blue Steve lit the fire, they both sat opposite sides of it. Rainbow because he was cold from all the rain, and Blue Steve because he knew it would be more practical if he was in dry clothes.

A couple hours had passed, and Blue Steve looked over at Rain. "You good?" He asked, rubbing his hands together by the fire again.

"Yeah, I'm just cold still." The colourful Steve said, shifting closer to the fire.
"Still? Really?" Blue asked.
"Mhm." Rainbow hummed in response.

A few minutes of silenced passed.

"Blue Steve, I'm still cold." Rainbow complained. Blue sighed in exasperation. "Rain, it's been like 5 minutes." He said, ignoring the small grumble from Rainbow Steve.

This happened a few more times, before Blue Steve got fed up.

"Blue, I'm still-" Rainbow got cut off by something soft hitting him. He looked, and saw it was Blue Steve's hoodie. He moved to look at Blue Steve, and saw he had his head in his hands. Did I annoy him..? Rainbow thought silently. Oh.. He felt worried.

He remembered he was still holding the hoodie. He muttered a quiet thank you and slipped it on. Blue Steve looked up at his friend, and smiled, his previous frustration leaving him as he watched his best friend snuggle into his hoodie. It was slightly to big for him, but, still warm nonetheless.

"Better?" He asked, laughing slightly as Rainbow flopped the long sleeves.
"Yeah, a bit. Thank you Blue Steve!" Rainbow responded, smiling.

A bit? Blue thought. He's still cold? His Red Steve must be coming out. Then an idea struck Blue Steve.

"Hey, Rain?" He asked, shifting so he was sitting next to the colourful Steve. "Hmm?" Rainbow glanced up at him. Blue Steve opened his arms slightly, and Rainbow Steve gratefully hugged him.

Blue chuckled, and returned the hug, wrapping his arms around Rainbow Steve's upper torso, allowing him to cuddle into him. "Thank you.." Rainbow muttered, taking in the warmth of the hug. "Anytime Rainbow." He responded.

They stayed like that, cuddled up in each others embrace, listening to the rain until nightfall came around.

The rain had slowed down slightly, and they took it in two hour shifts; one resting, one staying watch.

When morning came, they grabbed they're stuff and set out on their adventure again.


Haha, my love for thinking BlueBow is basically cannon go brrrrrr-

Hope you all enjoyed! <3

Word count: 1306

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