You're not as bad as I thought - 🌈🌌

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Platonic! (Friendship/Family)
Rainbow Steve x Galaxy Steve

Summary: Galaxy Steve goes to the spirit world seeking guidance from The Guardian, but ends up running into Rainbow Steve. Maybe Galaxy wasn't as bad as Rainbow originally thought.

(Set after Sabre disconnected after they had destroyed Origin Steve)

•Third Person PoV

"Ow- I'm not used to that lightning.. But, it worked! I think?"

A being called Galaxy Steve had to reach out to the Spirit World for advice. Or support. Whichever came first he'd gladly take.

It had been a few months since Sabre had left, and as him and Alex had promised, they were going out and restoring the Steves to their former glory.

During their travels, Alex was resting up at another village after curing a bunch of Steves there, and the Galaxy clad Steve would've as well, but Galaxy Steve felt uneasy. He felt like something was wrong, that he needed to do something. But he didn't know what.

"I'm just going on a walk, I'll be back soon." Galaxy Steve told Alex, poking his head around her door. "Hmm? Oh, okay! Stay safe!" Alex responded, and they both giggled.

"Maybe not as soon as I first thought.." Galaxy muttered, looking around. No sign of the Guardian anywhere.

"H-Hello? Guardian? I know you might be busy, but I really need a minute to talk to you!" Galaxy asked, but he never got an answer. He sighed. Glancing up, he saw a stray tree in the middle of the field he stood in. It was directly above a small lake, it's water seemed to crystal clear.

'I can see how people can be at peace here. It's so.. Well, peaceful!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed mentally.

He flew up to the tree, and sat at the top of it, his back leaning into the harsh oak log, whilst also being cushioned by the blanket of green leaves. He gazed out at the landscape. It was breathtaking to say the least.

He sat up there for a while, just relaxing. He eventually remembered he needed to find the Guardian. He jumped down, and took a deep breath. "Guardian? It's me, Galaxy Steve! Please, if you have a moment come talk to me!" He yelled out, slightly hopeless.

He stood there for a couple of minutes, and still got no response. He sighed sadly. "This isn't any use, is it?"

He paused for a moment, before sighing again. "How am I meant to save Steves if I can't even get the Guardian's help?" He looked down sadly.

"I really am useless..." Galaxy muttered bitterly.

"I wouldn't say useless, Gal." Someone said from behind him.

His breathing hitched. 'T-that voice..' he thought, looking up, but not yet turning around. "R-Rainbow Steve?" He asked quietly.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, causing him to spin around in alarm.

The colourful Steve gave him a worried look. "Oblivious? Yeah. But useless? That's a little far, even for you." Rainbow said, Galaxy Steve being flooded with emotions.

"Rainbow Steve? I-Is that actually you?" Galaxy asked, locking eye contact briefly.

Rainbow Steve stepped back slightly, and a small flash appeared. Galaxy rubbed his eyes slightly, before looking up and gasping quietly.

Rainbow Steve was still there, but a pale yellow halo floated gingerly above his head, and a set of pure white feathery wings were extended from his back.

"I don't think many people could impersonate this." Rainbow Steve replied, motioning to his wings and halo. He then proceeded to tuck his wings back, as to make sure they didn't take up much space.

Galaxy Steve was either in awe, or shock. Which one; he had no idea. His friend was in front of him. With wings and a halo. Speaking with him. He tried to say something.

"Don't you hate me?" Galaxy Steve asked. 'That is not how you ask how someone is Galaxy Steve." He mentally scolded himself.

"No! Well- look," Rainbow Steve stuttered, moving so he was in front of the Galaxy clad Steve.

"I don't hate you. I've never hated you. At first I disliked you because it felt like you were taking Sabre away from me, but as I started to like you, Void Steve came and brainwashed me! And well, you know what happened. But I don't hate you, Gal. You're one of my best friends! I could never-"

He was cut off by arms wrapping around him. The colourful Steve froze for a moment, before realising it was Galaxy Steve who was hugging him. He smiled, hugging back. "Thank you.." Galaxy Steve muttered, a few stray tears slipping from his eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Rainbow Steve asked, looking down at the Steve in his arms. "I, I kinda needed comfort, and I guess I couldn't handle the support. Sorry, I know it's kinda stupid." Galaxy Steve explained, giving a forced laugh at the end.

Rainbow Steve tightened the hug. "Wanna know something?" He asked, feeling Galaxy nod. "I needed this as well." Rainbow Steve replied, teleporting them so they were leaned up against the tree Galaxy Steve was sat on previously.

Galaxy Steve nuzzled into Rainbow Steve's chest. Rainbow Steve spread his wings, and wrapped them around Galaxy Steve and himself in return.

'Support came first I guess.' Galaxy thought to himself.

Rainbow laughed, and Galaxy Steve asked why.

"Y'know Gal," he stated, securing the hug.

"You're not as bad as I thought."

*Ahem* C u t e n e s s :D

Word Count: 932

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