Bad day - 💙📌 & 💜🌈

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Blue Steve x Professor Red
Purple Steve x Rainbow Steve

Human based AU, because why not?
(It's based in Real Life, but everyone's still a Steve. No, they don't have powers)

Quick info about the characters! (Some little profiles)

~Profile 1; Blue~
Name: Blue Steve
Age: 24
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Dating Red Steve
Nicknames: Blueberry, Orchid (Like Blue Orchids! The flowers)
Job: Coding/IT (Information technology)

||Profile 2; Red||
Name: Red Steve
Age: 24 & 1/2
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Dating Blue Steve
Nicknames: Cherry, Professor Red
Job: Scientist/Professor

•Profile 3; Rainbow•
Name: Rainbow Steve
Age: 23 & 1/2 (Yes, he's the youngest U^U)
Pronouns: He/Him & They/Them
Relationship: Dating Purple Steve
Nicknames: Rain, Prism
Job: Teacher (Teaches younger kids, like 5-6 year olds)

*Profile 4; Purple*
Name: Purple Steve
Age: 24
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Dating Rainbow Steve
Nicknames: Purpur, Lilac
Job: Archaeologist

Will I make a separate book for mini stories about this AU?

And yes, they're all roommates, and they own a pretty big house.

Quick warning: There will be a few 'cuss' words in this, nothing to major though.


•Third Person PoV

Blue Steve groaned in annoyance as he stepped inside the house, somehow managing to convince himself not to slam the door behind him.
Work was pissing him off.

Well, actually it was the people there who were annoying him, not the job itself.
All of his co-workers were fine, it was just the boss who annoyed him.
No matter what Blue did, his boss always found something to criticise him about. He's been doing it ever since he started working there; and it was only getting worse.

The people he worked with knew about this, and they always tried to help Blue out, but they never succeeded.
To be honest, they were the only ones keeping Blue from quitting entirely. That and the fact he enjoys what he does.

He took off his coat and hung it up in the hallway, before taking his bag and walking to the empty kitchen.
Around half way through unpacking his bag and sorting it out, one of his roommates, Rainbow, walked in.

He smiled upon seeing Blue, and giggled. "Hey Blue!" He chirped, and Blue looked over at him and smiled. "Hey, Rain. How was your day?" He asked, and Rainbow shrugged as he went to fill up his glass with water. "Pretty boring, honestly. Purple Steve is working until six, so I still have to wait two hours for him. What about yours?"

Blue sighed when Rainbow asked that, and Rainbow gave him a sympathetic look. "Your boss being a jerk again?" He asked, and Blue nodded. "Yep."

Blue went and put his bag back in the hall, taking his shoes of as well, before walking back into the kitchen. "I'm torn between staying or quitting at this point." Blue muttered, clearly angry.

Rainbow set his glass on the counter, walking over to the other and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it sucks, but you enjoy your job. Besides, I'm sure he'll get replaced soon anyways. He looks old enough to retire." Rainbow commented, and Blue snickered. "More like he's old enough to be my grandfather."
Rainbow laughed at that, and patted Blue on the back.
"Go get changed, you must be hot in those, you've been wearing them all day." Blue nodded, and walked upstairs to his room, locking the door behind him.

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