Creator, and his creations - 🌌🍂⏰

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Another amazing request from DragonStarDust000

Like last time, they gave me quite a few (4 to be exact) and this was the second one requested.

Platonic! (Family)
Galaxy Steve, Time Steve & Elemental Steve

Summary: Galaxy Steve, who was out exploring with Alex, started feeling unusually tired; and he felt his energy waver slightly.
Not able to stay awake, he falls unconscious, and Alex sets up a camp for then to rest at.
Galaxy Steve, however, when he falls unconscious, he appeared in his head, a place he was familiar with going to. Although, what he wasn't familiar with, were the two people there with him.

As I'm writing this, my rats won't stop squeaking-
Help XD



•Galaxy Steve's POV

'My head hurts.' I thought to myself, as I walked along side Alex. 'A lot..'

It had been fine for the most part; just two friends out on adventure. But for some reason, my head was pounding, and I started feeling tired.
Sure, we had been waking for a while, but we took a small break a few minutes ago, where we just sat down and drank some of the water be brought with us.
'Maybe I should tell Alex..'

I stopped walking, and leant against one of the oak trees to support myself. Alex turned around, and gave me a confused look. "I- C-Can we stop again for a moment? I'm not feeling so good.." I request quietly, and her confused look turns into one of concern.

She walks over to me, and helps me sit down, before she sat in front of me.
"What's wrong Galaxy?" She asked worriedly, taking out two water bottles and handing me one.
I opened it and took a sip before answering her question.
"I- I'm not sure to be honest. My head hurts, I feel tired, and I don't think my energy is very stable."

She scoots closer to me, and holds out her hand to me. I place my hand in hers, and her eyes glow slightly as she checks to see if what I said about my energy was right.

After around a minute, she took her hand back, and nodded at me. "Your energy is wavering a bit, we should rest."

She kept on talking, but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear anything. I saw black spots start to cloud my vision, and the next thing I know I woke up in the familiar void like place known as my mind.

I carefully stand up, trying to ease the dizziness running through me. I stood still for a second, and it eventually eased and went away. Letting out a sigh of relief, I look around and spot two figures in the distance. Despite not being able to make them out, I knew they felt familiar to me.

I cautiously walked towards them, and I stopped in my tracks when I was a few metres away from them.

There stood Time and Elemental, just talking to each other. There stood my creations, my sons..
I was about to get their attention, before I stoped myself, and started to feel guilty.

I was such a bad father to them; I was barely even there..
No, I couldn't think like that. I messed up in the past, and here's my chance to see them again. I wasn't going to waste that.

I slowly walked towards them once more, and stopped when I was a few feet away.

"-Us." I heard Time Steve say, he had finished his sentence.

Elemental Steve looked at the ground, before looking back up at his brother. "So.. Galaxy Steve created us?" He asked.
"He did."
"I did." I say at the same time, and they quickly spun around and noticed me.

They were silent for a moment, before Time Steve spoke up. "D-Dad.?" He muttered in shock, and I smiled slightly. "W-What.? How?" He asked, and I giggled softly. "So this is why I felt my energy wavering about like a rollercoaster." I said, earning a laugh from both of them.

Elemental Steve slowly took a few steps towards me, and our golden-yellow eyes locked together. He was silent for a moment, before he hugged me tightly. "Dad.." He muttered softly, and I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. "Hey, son.."

Time walked over and hugged me as well, and I shifted my arms to where they were wrapped around the both of them.

I brought us down into a kneeling-sitting position, to be more comfortable, and neither of them let go. They only held on tighter, and I did the same.

Eventually we had to break the hug so we could move around a bit.

I sat down properly, and so did Time. Elemental sat down as well, but leant on me. I chuckled, pulling him closer towards me and wrapping my galaxy patterned cape around him.

Time snickered, and El just rolled his eyes.
"I thought you weren't clingy, hmm?" He teased, and this time it was my turn to snicker. He blushed in embarrassment, hitting his brother playfully. "I'm not, but unlike you, I've never met dad, so.." He trailed off, leaning on me again. Time sighed, but agreed with him. "That's true I guess."

I saw Time kept glancing at me, and I gently grabbed his shoulder. He looked at me, seemingly a little nervous, but I patted the space next to me. He smiled, and sat by me, leaning on me as Elemental Steve did.

I wrap my right arms around Elemental, and my left around Time, holding them close. 'Hopefully I don't wake up for a while.'


Thank you for this lovely request, and I hope you all like it!

My motivation is very low for writing right now, so there probably won't be many updates, sorry XD

Have a great rest of your day or night, and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Word Count: 999

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