Not your time yet - 🌈💙📌

245 7 19

Haha, this will be very interesting to write-

No ships really, just a really close bond between Rainbow, Blue and Red.
I'm considering this more of a close friendship/brotherly bond, but if you choose to see this as a ship chapter, feel free to do so :)



•Rainbow Steve's PoV

"Blue Steve?!" I yelled, running towards him and catching him as his knees buckled under him. He winced, and leaned against the cave wall, me standing in front of him. I turned around and glared daggers at the Nightmare King.

"Huh. He did it, he actually did it. You know what? I'll leave you to deal with this.. Mess.." He spat, before there was lightning, and he was gone.

The lightning was close to us, so I knelt down and shielded Blue from the lightning, getting hit a few times. I couldn't let him be more hurt.

Once it was over, I frantically moved away and looked at him, tears pricking my eyes.
His body was covered in burns and wounds, his eyes seemed duller then before, and his skin was paler.

I snapped out if my thoughts upon hearing him whimper.
I quickly checked my inventory for anything of use, but there was nothing. Even the Blue Artifact wouldn't do anything now.

A few tears fell and I bit my lip, trying not to break down. Blue Steve used his hand to wipe them away, and he smiled gently. I tried smiling back, but it only lasted a few seconds.

"Blue Steve.?" I asked quietly, and he looked up at me, his eyes full of pain; something I never wanted him to feel. "Y-Yeah, Rainbow.?" He replied, his voice hoarse. I stood up, and offered him a hand. "Blue, can you stand? Walk, maybe?" I asked, and he looked unsure, but grabbed my hand. It took a moment or two, but he managed to get up. He stumbled at first, but I caught him again.

I put his arm over my shoulder, and I wrapped one of my arms around his torso as we started walking out the cave. I could see it pained him, but he knew just as much as me that we needed to at least get out of this cave.

We reached the surface, and I looked around, seeing the faint outline of the jungle we had passed through.
Blue Steve started coughing, and I quickly pulled him towards me so he was leaning on me. "No no no.." I muttered, as his coughing fit slowly came to an end.

He glanced at me, but slowly nodded, and we kept walking.
The desert.. Why does everything bad happen here? This is the place we lost Elder Blue, and if I don't find help, I'll lose Blue Steve as well.

I whimpered from the thought if it, yet again tears starting to fall. "R-Rainbow Steve?" He asked in concern, and I looked at him. He was worried for me; despite the fact he was practically dying. "I-I'm fine Blue, let's keep going-"
"I-I can't.."

We stopped, and I let go of him for a second. "Wait a second," I said carefully, running a bit in the direction we were going in; trying to spot anyone.

I saw nothing, and ran back to Blue Steve, who was on his knees again.

"Okay, no, Blue, get up. Blue please.." I begged, and he only looked at me weakly. "Rain, I think this is it.. I don't think I can walk anymore.." He responded, letting out a small cry of pain. I kept on denying it, and he gently placed his hand on my cheek.
"Rain, please.. I know you don't want to believe it, but please.. I can't make it- Woah- Rain what are you doing?"

Half way through him speaking, I had started crying, so I picked him up bridal style. I looked at him and answered his question. "Getting you help, it's not your time yet. Now hold on."

SSO Oneshots (Old)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ