Request info! (Info Page 3)

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Request Info!

Request are currently: Open!
(This will change repeatedly over time, make sure to keep checking in!)

How to lay out a request for me!

Name (Optional):

Characters Included (Not optional):

Oneshot Type (Not optional):

Plot (Optional, but please fill it in! The more detailed, the easier it is for me to write!):

Setting/Scene (Can be included in Plot):


Name: Brotherly Support

Characters Used: Rainbow Steve, Light Steve

Oneshot Type: Platonic (Family)

Plot: Light Steve is doubting the fact he was doing a good job as a Guardian Angel, so he turns to Rainbow Steve for reassurance.

Setting/Scene: The Spirit World

I hope that makes sense to you all!


Check here every now and again to see if the requests are opened or closed!

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