Affection.? - 🐓🤖

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Sabre x Galaxy Suit
(Anonymous request :D)

Summary: Before being able to contact Lucas and Galaxy Steve, The scientists need to set up the technology, which started taking longer than expected. Galaxy Suit and Sabre had been in the Steve Temple, reading, and it had already turned night. Galaxy Suit gets cold, and is confused on what Sabre does in response.

Tbh, this ship is kinda cute-


•Third Person PoV

"You should rest up whilst we work on this." The lead scientist tells the other two, both of the other scientists already starting to work on the technology needed to reach the ship. "Sure, tell us when it's done. Thank you again." Sabre replied gratefully, and the lead scientist nodded.

Sabre walked out of the tower taking his helmet off, and Galaxy Suit followed him. "This place looks so cool.." He murmured in awe, taking his helmet off as well, his dark blue and purple hair ruffling in the breeze.

The brunette looked back at Galaxy Suit, kinda admiring how adorable he looked. "When did you build this?" He asked, and Sabre smiled.
"Me, Lucas, and a friend called Rainbow Steve built this a long time ago, actually." He replied, and Galaxy smiled.

They walked into the Rainbow House, immediately going up to the second floor. They walked into Sabre's room, and the blindfolded male threw Galaxy Suit a pair of clothes. "Thank you." He replied, quickly walking into the bathroom at the other end of the hall.

Sabre shut his door and got changed. Nothing to fancy though. He wore a pair of blackish-grey jeans, and a green hoodie with a white stripe running around it. He kept his blindfold on.

There was a knock at his door and he smiled, opening it.
He blushed seeing Galaxy Suit outside of the space suit.

His hair was a mix of dark purples and blues, a couple of stars and planets were seeable as well. It fell just below his shoulders, and was rather fluffy.
He was wearing a plain grey hoodie, with a white undershirt. That was accompanied by a pair of dark blue jeans.

"You look nice." Sabre complimented, and the Galaxy Suit smiled.
"Thank you!"

They walked back downstairs and headed to the Steve temple. "What are we doing?" Galaxy Suit asked in confusion, as they reached the temple. "I wanna show you something." Sabre replied bluntly, grabbing his hand and leading him to the second floor which was full of bookshelves, each one to the brim with books.

He let go of Galaxy Suit, who went and sat down leaning back against one of the walls. Sabre found what he was looking for, and brought it back over to Galaxy Suit, who looked intrigued.
Sabre sat down by him, rubbing some of the dust off of the cover.

"This is a scrapbook that me, Lucas and Rainbow Steve made a few years ago." Sabre said, and the purplish Steve tilts his head. "What's a scrapbook?" He asks, and the brunette laughs. "I'll show you."

He opened to the first page, and there was a picture of Rainbow Steve, Sabre and Lucas. It looked like it had been drawn, and there was a bit of writing underneath it. It read;

'Today we got this drawing from one of the sky people! I think it's really cute and well made! Lucas said it was really talented and Sabre told me that it was made for us! I wonder if all of the sky people are this talented!
- Rainbow Steve'

"Wow, you got fan art? Cool!"
Sabre chuckled at Galaxy Suit's reaction, and nodded.

He gave the book to Galaxy Suit, and smiled. "You can look through it if you want, I'm gonna grab something else to read." He said, walking off to find another book.

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