Chapter 14

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Sorry for not updating sooner😭


Fenrys took us with him as he disappeared into the shadows. I didn't know he could do that but as soon as we got to the destination he passed out. 

"Ah shit, where are we?" Aedion asked as he slung quickly an unconscious Fenrys over his shoulder. I looked around and realised I had been here many times before.

"It looks like we're in Adarlans castle," I said leading the blond down one of the long hallways, taking a guess of where we should go. "We need to find a guard, or Chaol, or anyone." He nodded. We turned a corner and found two guards walking towards us. When they saw us the reached for their swords, but then saw who we were.

"Your Majesty?" One of them asked, "what are you doing here?" I gestured to Aedion.

"I need you to take us to the king." They nodded abruptly and started walking in the opposite direction they were going before and gestured for us to follow.

We walked into the throne room and saw Dorian in a heated debate with a lord. He looked up to the ceiling, massaging his temples. One of the guards who escorted us here cleared his throat to get the young kings attention. He looked up.

"Yes- Rowan? Aedion?" He said, obviously confused. "You weren't due for another visit till next month," He waved all the lords out as we advanced forwards. "Who have you got over your shoulder?" Dorian came back to Adarlan because of some trouble the lords were stirring up, so he would come back up north for the ball when Chaol and Yrene did.

"Oh," Aedion looked at Fenrys like he had forgotten he was there. "It's Fenrys, but we really need Yrene, like really need her." He said. Dorian nodded and turned to the guards.

"Please immediately get Lady Westfall and bring her here,"  they nodded and ran off, eager to please the king. He turned back to us. "Wait, so why exactly are you here?" He asks.

"Well Aelin got sucked through some portal to another world and that world is infested with valg so we were hoping-"

"Ha, this was MY plan bird boy, don't take my credit!"Fenrys said groggily, sitting up from where Aedion put him down.

"Shit Fenrys! Are you good?" Aedion asks while he and I tun and start towards him, as does Dorian.

"Yeah all good, probably just passed out from using that particular magic to much, ANYWAY, I planned that we could get Yrene to heal the victims with her magic,"

"Seems like a good plan though you will have to get her to agree, though that might be child play compared to Chaol."

"Whats compared to me?" Chaol asks walking through the door with his wife in tow. 

"Well-" Suddenly a small child runs in, no older than two, but had a strange glow about him, not eery, but magical.

'Mamma! Dadda! When can we go to the gardens?"- Yrene and Chaol's child! Of course. He turns to see the extra company and looks confused. "Who are you?" He asks no one in particular, but I answer.

"I'm Rowan, this," I say, gesturing to the blond on my right, "is Aedion, and this" then again, gesturing to my left, "is Fenrys." 

"Hello Rowan," Yrene says, going in for a friendly hug. "How have you been?" She asks, pulling each of us into a heartwarming hug.

"Honestly, I don't know, see Aelin got herself transported to a completely different world with valg  and then Fenrys went to save her but now she wants to save them, we were sort of hoping that you could come with us on a day trip to said other world and heal some valg while we kill them?"

"Uh, first of all, how does Aelin get herself transported- you know what, don't answer that, it's Aelin we're talking about." She says. I laugh at that. "So how are you planning to get back to that world?"

"That's where I come in. I promise it's like an infestation of like 9 parasites." Fenrys says.

"Okay," she says with confidence, "I'm in."

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