Chapter 5

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These fae bastards were pathetic. Rhysand locked me up in wooden shackles. I could tell that these fae were different, that much I knew for certain. For a start, they didn't have elongated canines, though they had almost exactly the same pointed ears. I easily yanked the handcuffs, which broke effortlessly, I was disappointed in them. They were either coming back very soon, or they underestimated me, yet again. I honestly thought it was a bit of both. The window swung open with ease. i jumped, and landed next to a river, with a bridge. I ran because Rhysand and his little gang would be back soon to interrogate me with various methods of torture to get me to confess, though they obviously didn't know I wouldn't break. The fire, that Beron and his sons tried to burn me was also pathetic, I had triple his power, or at least used to. But I had a sneaking suspicion, that if I shifted, I might potentially have the full extent of my powers back. Maybe it was the completely different world, I figured that it was a new world because I had never, in my twenty-one years of life, heard of Prythian. I will try when I'm properly alone, I promised myself. 


I had run all the way across the bridge until I found what looked like a little village or town thing. I had purposefully let them see my face, let them think they had the upper hand, but I never did take off my hood, therefore they didn't know the length or colour of my hair, so for now, if I kept my head down, I would be safe.

"Hey, ma'am?" I said to an old lady walking past me. How old would she really be if everyone here was immortal?

"Yes miss?" She replied with a kind smile. I knew she could help me.

"I'm here on behalf of the winter court, doing something for the high lord," I said, the fake story rolling off my tongue easily, "I was wondering if you could tell me where I could get one of those hooded capes?" A simple disguise.

"Why yes, I actually purchased a lovely velvet one across the street just there," she pointed to a little store that was no more than fifty feet away, "just the other day." She finished and I thanked her. My plan had gone into action when Rhysand has escorted me to the room. I could tell he had some sort of  money in his pocket, because I could hear it, so I pickpocketed him and took all the coins and replaced them with a bit of glass I found. 


I purchased the cloak, but my plan streatched out longer. So I went back to the place I was being kept, slipped through the windows and lay on the bed I was on before. It was three hours until Feyre and a fae male with wings and red jewels on his armour, came back to check in the room again. Three hours of pondering and looking at a wall. My hood from my suit was up again, and my purchase was no where to be seen.

"Where in hell have you been?" Feyre exclaimed, angrily. I only smiled and sat up on the bed.

"Oh I just went for a little stroll into your delightful city! There was this lovely old lady-" I said but she interrupted me.

"I swear on the damn cauldron, if you did anything to any of the people!"

"Calm down, as I said, I just went for a walk." She watched me warily for another second, but then she turned to the male I forgot was there.

"Can you go grab the others, tell them we've got her?" She asked. He only nodded and tuned to leave.  

"I'll admit, you're more trouble than I thought." She said, sounding exhausted. I only laughed.

"The amount of times I've heard that phrase directed at me," I said, "do you really want to know what I do for a living?" I said slyly. She looked wary but nodded. I motioned for her to come closer so I could whisper in her ear. "I'm an assassin." I stated, when I said the final word she jumped back and pulled out a dagger from a jeweled sheath. It was obviously more for show than fighting. "Calm down! I honestly have no idea what or where Prythian is, nor have I come to kill you." 

"Why would I believe you?" She shrieked.

"Why would you believe me when I say I'm an assassin? I could be just saying that to scare you, obviously, it's worked."  I said with a half smile. Rhysand and four other fae came in, one of those four being the male from before. Feyre and Rhysand started looking at each other meaningfully. It was almost exactly what Rowan and I did. Rowan. That name was like being dunked under ice cold water. What was he doing? Did he think I was dead? I realised the meeting I was supposed to be in had started and finished well over an hour ago. I was shaken from my thoughts when a beautiful female wearing a long red dress interrupted.

"If you don't stop doing that smushy mating bond thingy and tell us what our game plan is, I will smack you both over the head to get you back to reality, where we have a prisoner. Remember?" I already liked her. They all looked over to me, to which I gave a little wave. 

"Yes Mor, we know." Feyre replied. The female- Mor- waved back to me.

Rhysand said, "so, whos going to take a crack at her first?"


Azriel wasn't the first one to try because he said he would rather get her secrets from his shadows, so Cassian was now in there, trying to get as much out of her before we had to resort to other methods. Not necessarily torture, but I knew it had crossed all of our minds.

"So what did she say to you to get you so shaken up when we came?" Mor asked. I realised that Rhysand and I still hadn't shared our mental conversation.

"Well, she claims she's an assassin, and for some reason I believe her." Mor walked up to the door and rapped her fist on it.

"Out you get Cas! Let me have a turn."

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