Chapter 13

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A/N: I'm really sorry for the uneven updates! I'm moving atm and it's hard to find the spare time so to give you guys something, here's a (very short) mediocre filler chapter! (:(


We had dinner with all of them, and we told stories. War stories, childhood stories, anything. 

"You do know that we need to get back to Terrasen, not to mention you are the queen. Plus Rowan bit my head off before I came here so, we should say our goodbyes," Fenrys said suddenly. My head snapped in his direction.

"We can't," I said. He only looked confused.

"Why? You love everyone there!"

"Don't get me wrong, I am 100% going back but they," I gestured to the group around us and lower my voice a good few octaves, "have a valg problem." His eyes widened at the mention of the repulsive demon.

"Okay.. okay, well, what's our game plan?" He askes, obviously ready to fight. I smiled at his willingness.

"Hold up!" Cassian interrupted. "What in the cauldron is a valg?" All the others, save for Amren, nodded.

"Well, they're like parasites to our world," I explained, "the war we fought in, well it was fought against the valg and Erawan, the valg king almost killed all of us," I said. Fenrys nodded along but then I said, 

"But I smited him and the bitch Maeve." The white wolf rolled his eyes.

"First off, it's smote," it was my turn to roll my eyes. "And second off shouldn't we be going to kill the little pains in my ass?" He asked.

"Why are the- things here?" Mor asked. Fenrys and I both shrugged.

"All we know is that we need to kill, or heal, all of them before you have a full-on war as we did,"  I said.

"I do have one idea of how we can make it easier for us," Fenrys said.

"By all means, wolf boy do share," I said.

"Yrene," is all he said.

"I like your thinking!" 


As much as I knew that I had to get back to my royal duties and that Fenrys had everything under control, I couldn't help but worry for both of them. Someone knocked on Aelin's and my office door, and without waiting to see if I said anything, pushed the door open.

"The lords and citizens think that Aelin went on a discreet visit to Adarlan to see Dorian," Aedion said as a way of greeting.

"At least it's a believable lie," I replied. He nodded.

"Where do you reckon Fenrys is? He said he'd grab Aelin and then come straight back," He said. As if he heard them, Fenrys popped up right beside us.

Without Aelin.

"Wha-what?"He cut me off.

"We need Yrene and probably you guys." He said already walking out the door.

"But wheres-"

"Honestly, I will explain everything, or, Aelin will, but just trust me." He said, and I nodded as Aedion and I followed him out the door to find the healer.

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