Chapter 4

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I had taken a seat at their round table, as they requested, but sat on the edge of the chair, so if need be, I could take off out one of the three exits. Everyone was watching me, probably wondering if I was going to throw another dagger at someone else. That scenario was very possible if they didn't stop talking about me like I wasn't there.

"But what do we do with her?" A white-haired male said, "we can't just let her go, she could be dangerous!"

"What? A human? She's harmless." The blond male from before said. I rolled my eyes at that.

"If that's what you really think you've got another thing coming buddy!" I said quietly under my breath in a sing-song voice. The statement might have been a bit too loud because the female, who was Rhysands mate, heard me.

"Well Celaena, if you're not harmless, what do you do?" She asked.

"Thank you, Ms...? I still haven't gotten the introduction I asked for." I replied with a smile, not a nice one but more of a teeth bearing. She laughed darkly at me.

"Feyre Acheron, High Lady of the Night Court," she said. I looked to Rhysand, even though I already knew his name, I just wanted to make sure.

"Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court." He said, which I already knew, part of it atleast. I went around the table and found out that there were the four seasons as courts, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring, and three solar courts, Night, Day, and Dawn. Also that there was only two high ladies, Feyre and Viviane, the latter becoming a high lady only very recently. 

"Ok Celaena," Feyre said, "what do you do?"

"Well I pick flowers and dance around all day." I said.

"Oh, can I keep her?" Helion said while laughing. I turned to him.

"I am kept by no one, I am no ones, and will not be caged." I said menacingly. He looked only impressed.


Rowan looked so dangerous, like he would break anyone or anything right in the moment. 

"What exactly happened?" He asked, in a deep guttural voice. I explain what we were doing up to the moment of when she disappeared. 

"So she disappeared when she touched the crown, but only after she had been wearing it for the whole walk from our rooms?" Rowan asked after I had finished. He had listened so intently, it looked as though he had either already formed a plan, or he was willing to cut down anyone like stalks of wheat to get his mate back. I nodded. 

"She stood exactly here," was all I said. Carefully, Rowan stood in the spot and put the crown on his head and took it off. He repeated the actions a couple of time and when it didn't work, his face crumpled and fell to his knees. He looked utterly helpless. 


When Celaena threw that knife at Feyre, I wanted to shatter her mind, and then her bones. She seemed dangerous, but when Helion asked if he could keep her, I saw her face change. There was obviously some deep rooted trauma or something that had happeded to her.

"Feyre and I will take her back to the Night Court for questioning." I said. 

"Why do you get to take her? We can question her, and if she doesn't answer us, we'll burn her with our power." Beron said as a matter of factly.  Celaena seemed to find that funny because she started giggling, which escalated into hysterics. Somehow, maybe she wasn't just human.

"Fine, the Autumn Court can take her, if it doesn't work we get to try next." Feyre said, stepping in for me.


An hour later, Eris winnowed back, with Celaena in tow. 

"Well?" Kallias asked.

"When the flames of all of us together touched her, she just started giggling, like they tickled." He said glumly. Celaena only smiles smugly, like there was some inside joke.

"Our turn," I simply said. I strolled toward her, put my hand on her shoulder and looked to the other high lords. "You might want to go home, we'll be taking a longer and deeper try." And winnowed away.


I honestly didn't know what our tactic would be. Should we befriend her? According to Eris, she giggled when all the power of the high lord and his sons, combined, hit her. Scoulding hot flames, which should burn anyone, and be incredibly painful in the process. 

What do we do with her? I asked down the bond.

I don't know, she's obviously not fully human, but flames should have burned even a full blooded fae, so we just have to be careful. He replied. 

Cassian, Mor, and Azriel were sitting at our dining room table playing a game of cards. I wasn't sure what game, knowing them though, probably a mix of everything.

"Hey Fey Fey, what type of fun did you get up to this month?" He said with a cocky smile. I only smiled back.

"Some random girl fell through the roof and claims to be human but was unfazed by all the power of the autumn court put together when it struck her. And that's not even the half of it. This was probably the only eventful meeting ever." He looked absolutely dumbstruck. 

"Why did you tell me to stay behind when THAT happened?" He said jokingly.

"I didn't tell you to stay, you had to help train the females at the illyrian camps." I replied. I heard Rhys walk up behind me before I saw him.

"Uh guys, we kinda have a girl to interrogate." He said. Cassian jumped up, obviously wanting to see what kind of creature could withstand that fire. Azriel followed him but walked at the same pace as Rhys, Mor linked her arm through mine as we walked. We got to the room we were keeping Celaena, but one look at Rhys', Azriel's, and Cassian's faces, I knew something was wrong.

"What? Is she like dead or something?" I said with a laugh.

"Shes gone," was all my mate said. 

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