018 -Enemies Made and Befriended-

Start from the beginning

I did scan all the people in the busy halls rushing to their lectures or just simply talking when I heard a familiar voice. "And it's as simple as that." Connor spun around and saw, Jared Kleinman leaning against the wall talking to some guy with burn scars on his face.

(A/n it's not Rich. You simps.)

The guy's name was Jason Dean, from what I could hear, I'm not the best at eavesdropping. Are you kidding me?! Jared fucking Kleinman?! I tried to make peace with him so many times, for Evan's sake, not mine, and he always is so...difficult.

He acts like I killed his mom or something. It was so...strange. Everyone in the group got into King's. The chance was slim to none and somehow they got in. I was pretty satisfied about the girls going to the same collage as Evan and I.

But Jared, I wasn't sure. It bothers me how much he's obsessed with Evan. Yes, obsessed is the right word. I don't think I'm, jealous, to say the least, just bothered. He always ruins everything,

Whenever we hung out together he always found a way to get between Evan and I. I shook off the feeling and tried to keep walking when "Jared?!" Was squeaked by a familiar voice from behind me.

I spin around and Evan is standing at the end of the hall with an excited expression on his face. Jared squealed and ran to Evan. I felt my blood boil when he hugged him. Yep. Jealousy.

Evan signaled me to come over and when I shook my head he gave me puppy eyes. I groaned and dragged my feet to the end of the corridor. I had 5 minutes, nothing could go too wrong.

Evan grabbed my arm and pulled me the rest of the way. "You guys look...different." Jared said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh, yeah." Evan squeaked with a small smile.

"Is it...bad?"

"N-no! It's a good different!" Jared smiled and again, my fists clenched. Yeah Evan changed, he had messier hair, wore blue flannels and worn out doc martins instead of his 'style' in high school. And somehow found flannels with hoods. Lucky. He looked more relaxed, now that he was with me...just saying.

"Kept the khakis I see." Jared said nodding down. "Jeans are uncomfortable and sweatpants get hot." Evan said crossing his arms.

"And Connor! Love the new hair length it's very...school shooter chic." Jared said smirking at me tucking at his backpack straps. I just glared at him. Evan rubbed his shoulders awkwardly and an uncomfortable silence fell over us.

"I-it was a joke." Jared muttered staring up at me with the same grin except it had weakened. "Oh no I'm laughing can't you tell?" I growled and Evan groaned quietly and tugged his hood over his face.

I knew it bothered Evan when Jared and I fought, but he bothered me so much, I forgot about Evan for a second. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?" I snapped stepping closer to Jared.

His eyes widened and his face went red. "G-glad to know you haven't changed since high school. Still the freak." He whispered and I snapped. I grabbed him by the color and threw him against the wall. "I'm not the freak!! You're the fucking!-"

"Connor stop it!!" Evan shrieked and I turned to him, and froze. Tears were streaming down his freckled cheeks and he stared at me in fear. (A/n yeah I head cannoned Evan to have freckles. Sue me.) I turned back to Jared and saw he was trembling.

I immediately let go of him and dropped the floor. I looked back at Evan. "Why is it so hard for my 2 favorite people to get along?! Can you STOP thinking about how much you hate each other long enough to grow up?!!"

He asked wiping his face. He stormed off ignoring Jared's pathetic attempts and getting him to stop. He was still on the floor so embarrassing for him. I nudged him with my foot.

"Leave 'em be. He wants some alone time."

"H-how do you know that?"

"We're close, remember? Besides I don't want you bothering him."

Jared frowned. "What?" I asked as he got up. "You know he's my best friend. You don't have to act like you're the one that knows everything about him and be all protective. That's Jeremy's job." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Eh he was right. "Evan is his own person. He can take care of himself." He said looking at the floor. He sighed. "I can't believe I'm about to do this." I heard him whisper under his breath.

He looked up at me, and held his hand out. I glanced at it. "What?" He rolled his eyes. "I want a truce." I was perplexed to say the least. "Really?" "For Evan's sake. Not yours." He muttered. Wow he really didn't want to do this.

I took his hand and shook it. "See you, Connor." Jared said and walked away. Woah, he called me Connor. I've always known Evan was worth it but this, this is new.

Word Count: 1571
Another shit chapter :D
I dislike making OC's gAh I'm not good at it.

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