Chapter 36: Despair

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I took a deep breath before running a hand through my hair, focusing my attention on the fight at hand.

My blonde companion charged towards me.

I wasn't going to lose this time around. He'd taken at least three out of four victories and my pride wouldn't be able to handle any more.

Porco was especially determined today. It was nearing time for the next Armored Titan to be selected and Porco must've been eager to show it should be him. Almost everyone in our group had been selected as Titan Shifters. Porco didn't want to be left behind.

I dodged the blow he sent by stepping to the side and pushing him over. He stumbled forward trying to regain his balance but I was faster.

Kicking the bend of the boy's knee, I forced him to the ground before pinning him down.

"Nice job Cadet (L/n)," one of the observing guards praised, "that was a smooth take down. Cadet Galliard over here definitely didn't see that coming!" The guard's words seemed to have affected Porco more than they should've.

The brash blonde normally would've just ignored the words of someone else, but something inside him just snapped today. I was shoved off Porco, falling flat on my butt as the boy stomped away. Everyone turned to see what all the commotion was about as the young boy stormed away.

Marcel was the first to go after Porco but I grabbed his hand before he could chase after his brother.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" Marcel asked.

"I'm... I'm not sure," I admitted, "but I wanna be the one to talk to him right now."

Marcel pondered for a moment before nodding, "Porco listens to you more anyways. He's always had a soft spot for you."

I tilted my head to the side, confused, "what do you mean?"

Marcel just laughed before shooing me towards Porco's direction. The confusion from Marcel's statement was soon pushed out of my thoughts as I spotted a familiar mop of blonde hair.

"Porco..." I hesitated, "are you okay?"

"Yeah," was his curt reply, "you can go back to Marcel and the others now."

Porco was sitting on the ground, his back to a wall. His knees were brought up to his chest as his head pointed down resting on his legs.

I sighed at the boy's pride.

He, most certainly, was not alright.

I took a seat beside Porco. We weren't close enough to be touching, but enough to feel each other's warmth. He tilted his head to the side, giving me a confused look.

"What are you doing," he groaned, "I said I was alright. I don't need your pity."

"First of all, it's not pity. I genuinely care. So why would I leave when you're clearly not alright?"

"Yeah right!" Porco snorted, "did Marcel ask you to come?"

"I actually told him not to come."

A moment of silence passed between us.

"You don't have to talk about it with me," I began, "but you should at least talk about it with your brother. He really cares about you! No one should have to be alone when they're upset." I got up to leave but was stopped as his hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Porco?" I inquired, turning to glance at the boy. He refused to make eye contact.

"Please... stay."

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