Part 30: Hurt

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"Come on Spooks, hold on!"

Spooker could hardly hear Colon's voice as he clutched the stab wound in his side.

He could feel something poke into his wrist, but it was nothing compared to the searing pain of the wound.

The pain started to dull, and he opened his eyes.

Colon and Simon were kneeling by him, both cut up pretty badly.

"There we go, you're alright," Simon said.

Spooker tried to speak, but all that would come out was a pained whimper.

"You're gonna be okay, don't worry bro," Colon said, helping him sit up and lean against the wall, "I've got you."

"Thanks, Colon," Spooker said with a soft smile.

"Of course!" Colon chirped.

Spooker looked around to see Toast kneeling by Ghost, who was passed out on the floor.

He took a deep breath, gently touching the wound. He winced and pulled his hand back. "Here, let me help patch that up real quick," Colon said.

With Simon's help, Colon managed to wrap up the stab wound.

His blood was everywhere, and it made him feel sick.

"I'll keep watch on him," Simon told Colon, "You help Toast deal with Ghost."

Colon nodded and went over to Ghost. Spooker watched as they tied his wrists and ankles together and sighed.

"Do you have any idea what's wrong with him?" Simon asked quietly.

Spooker shrugged.

"He's very dangerous," Simon observed, "He nearly killed you."

Spooker nodded slowly. "I think he's a good leader," he said, "He can be mean sometimes, but he's kept us all together for this long, which is kinda surprising."

Simon bit his fingernail, thinking.

"A-And not only has he kept us together," Spooker continued, "But he's been able to keep us from dying here. Back home, we die all the time!"

Simon tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's a long story," Colon piped up.

Simon nodded, still looking confused.

"But... If we die here, I'm scared that we might not come back..." Spooker whispered, dread clouding his thoughts.

"That's usually the case," Simon said, "When someone dies, they don't come back."

Spooker shuddered.

"Well, hey!" Colon said optimistically, "We'll make it out of here! I know we will!"

Spooker giggled and replied, "Yeah, I bet you're r-right..."

They sat in silence until Ghost began to wake up.

"What...?" he mumbled, trying to sit up, "Why am I...? Johnny?"

"We're still here, sir," Toast said.

"Why am I tied up?" Ghost asked, sounding scared. Spooker saw him glance over at him, and fear filled his eyes.

"I... J-Jimmy!" Ghost yelled, "I told you to stop!"

Ghost cackled maniacally, then screamed, "Leave me alone!"

He was breathing heavily and seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown.

"Sir, it's okay," Toast said calmly, touching Ghost's arm.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Ghost shrieked. Toast pulled his hand back quickly as Ghost began trying to free himself.

"Sir, stop!" Toast said firmly.

"I'm no 'sir'!" Ghost snarled, "I'm Jimmy! You can't keep me tied for long!"

"We need to calm him down fast," Simon said, standing, "He's going to hurt himself if he keeps jerking around like that."

Spooker stood, but his side started hurting again and made him have to sit back down.

The others worked to try to calm Ghost down, but nothing seemed to be working.

Spooker wanted to help, but the pain had returned, and it was almost worse than before.

He took a shaky breath and crawled towards Ghost.

"H-Hey, Ghost?" Spooker said, making everyone go quiet. "Buddy, you can't be moving around!" Colon cried.

"Shhh," Spooker hushed, "I'm helping."

Ghost stared up at Spooker with blood red, hate filled eyes. Spooker supported himself with his arm as he spoke.

"Ghost, I know you're there..." Spooker said, feeling as if he would pass out, "You... You can control him..."

Ghost's eyes flickered between red and brown for a moment, then he growled and screamed, "STOP IT!"

Spooker smiled sweetly and said, "You're still... m-my idol... I believe in you... Come back, p-please..." He felt like couldn't hold himself anymore and was about to give up when Ghost's eyes faded to brown.

"I-I'm sorry, Spooker..." he sobbed.

Spooker smiled weakly, then finally blacked out.

Cry of Fear and VenturianTale P.I.E. Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now