Part 20: Same

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Simon looked around the damp tunnel.

There were a few doors, some looking as if they hadn't been used in years.

He looked at the back of Ghost's jacket. It was the exact same as his. He hadn't noticed before.

"Hey," Simon said. "We have the same jacket." Ghost turned around to look at him. He showed the back of the jacket to him.

"So you went to the freedom music festival?" Ghost asked.

"Denmark?" Simon said, excitedly.

"25th anniversary!" Ghost finished.

"You two are weird," Colon chuckled. Ghost gasped. "Wait, Colon! You're from the Netherlands! Did you go to that one?"

Colon shrugged. "I heard about it, but I never went."

"Aw, man! It was great!" Simon said. He hadn't been this happy to talk to someone in... forever!

Colon grinned. "I've actually never seen you smile," he told Simon.

Simon froze. Oh no, too talkative, he thought. "S-Sorry," he said, embarrassed. Ghost burst out laughing. "What are you apologizing for?!" he cackled.

Simon shrugged as Spooker giggled.

"Looks like we need a passcode," Toast observed. He had been looking for a way out the entire time while the rest had been goofing around.

Simon looked around and saw a hall with about three doors. He started at the end of the hall, finding a small room filled with all kinds of equipment.

Ghost followed after him as he began to observe the small hole in the wall.

"Oh, there's a note!" Ghost said. Simon turned to look at him as he picked it up.

He paused to read, then just stared at the paper. "Well that's mean," he said, tossing the paper on the desk.

Simon tilted his head and stood to pick up the paper. He chuckled at the person's humor. The code for one of the doors was written on the page, but one number was scribbled out.

Simon hummed quietly as he observed the hole in the wall. There was a window that looked into the next room, and he could see a wooden pole holding the door shut. Oil pooled through the hole and lead to the end of the pole.

"Got a lighter?" Simon asked.

Ghost tilted his head. "No, why?" Simon pointed at the oil. He was about to explain what he meant when Ghost nodded in recognition.

"Light the oil, burn the wood, get the key!" Ghost said smugly. "You know, we think kind of the same, you and I!"

Simon shrugged. "I guess you could say that..." he muttered.

"Yeah!" Ghost said, seemingly very confident. He laughed a bit, making Simon smile.

These people actually cared. They were unlike any people he had met before.

That was what gave him hope.

-- -- --

Well, I guess this was kind of a filler part- XD

I had wanted to bring up the fact that they had the same jacket and then thought it'd be funny if Ghost had gone to the concert to get his jacket.

Cry of Fear and VenturianTale P.I.E. Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now