Part 11: Chainsaw??

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Simon's POV

"Oh no..." I said. I observed the walls and started panicking inwardly. Ghost stepped out of the elevator first, then mumbled something to himself.

"Are you okay, sir?" Toast asked. He turned around and chuckled. "Yeah, I'm fine!" he chirped.

We looked around, then went down the stairs.

It looked exactly the same.

I heard muffled screaming, but tried to ignore it. I followed Ghost and Toast down at least ten floors. But... Weren't there only five before?

We eventually got down to the bottom after picking up some ammo for my Glock. We went through a door into a very dark room.

I turned on my flashlight, but the glow didn't reach far. We all jumped as a chainsaw revved in the dark.

The lights turned on to reveal a tall monster with long nails stuck all through it and the chainsaw in it's hands.

My knees wobbled as it stomped towards us. Move! Go now! I screamed in my head.

But I couldn't. I was frozen in place.

I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out of the way as it swiped the weapon. I looked to see who it was.

It was Ghost.

"Come on," he said with a grin. "Let's kill it." I felt empowered my his confidence, then pulled out my pistol.

The creature made it's way towards us. No...

Towards ME.

I dodged it's attack and started shooting at it. The other two unloaded their clips as I continued to back away and dodge.

It took a while, but it finally went down. We noticed a machine thing on it's back and shot at it. It growled in pain, and we knew that was the way to kill it.

It stood back up and continued it's attack.

"You're really breaking it's ankles, kid!" I heard Toast say.

I smiled. We were able to take it down a second time, and shot the machine more.

We repeated the process a third time. It was faster than before, and I was having a harder time keeping away.

Eventually, I became tired. No, it can't end like this... I thought, exhausted. As it brought the chainsaw down, I was tackled by Toast.

He cried out in pain, but kept shooting it. We hit the ground, hard. I scrambled up with him as the monster went back down.

I saw a deep slash across his arm. Because of me... I thought, spiteful at myself.

We went to it's back, but Ghost beat us . He stabbed through the metal with a knife I didn't know he had.

The monster roared and reared up. It cut it's own head off and fell to the ground.

I gagged, tasting a metallic tang at the back of my throat. I ran off to a corner and retched, embarrassed to be sick in front of them. I eventually threw up, sickened by the sight of the monster.

I wiped my mouth and jumped when I heard Ghost laughing. It was no normal laugh, though.

It was the laugh of a maniac.

I turned around to see Ghost with his hand around Toast's neck and the knife raised in the air. His hair looked darker than before.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to run. My legs were still shaky from vomiting, and I tripped.

Ghost turned to face me, grinning madly.  I started to feel sick again as I saw his eyes.

His insane, glowing red eyes.

He let go of Toast and flipped the knife in his hand.

"Oh, I didn't see you!" he said. I stood and held up my pistol. "Don't do it," I said, barely able to keep myself up. He laughed, highly amused. "You're bluffing..." he said.

I was.

I couldn't hurt him after what we had just been through.

He took another terrifying step forward. I stumbled back, quivering. Toast ran up behind him and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back.

Ghost grimaced, but bent out of his grip. He kicked Toast in the stomach and faced me again. "Ah, finally! Fresh blood!" He cried, cutting my side as I tried to get away.

I held in a cry of pain as I stumbled back.

What was wrong with him?!


Toast watched as Ghost edged towards the kid. The pain in his gut stopped him from moving.

Preventing him from helping Simon.

"Please sir, stop!" Toast cried.

Ghost cackled and lunged at Simon, the knife swinging down over the boy.

Simon tried to dodge, but since he was still tired from the fight and weak from being sick, he ended up being stabbed in the shoulder. He cried out, tripping and falling to his side.

Ghost tackled him as Toast ran to help.

"Bye-bye, kiddo!" Ghost laughed as he raised the knife once more.

Toast barrelled into Ghost and knocked him off of Simon before he could bring the knife down. "Get away!" he yelled.

Ghost quickly recovered and pushed him away. Simon was coughing and trying to get up. He pushed himself up against the wall.

Ghost jumped on him again and stabbed the boy's leg, then slammed his head against the wall in one fluid motion.

Simon stopped struggling when his head hit the concrete with a deafening crack. He slumped forward, unmoving.

"No!" Toast cried out, getting up quickly. Ghost stood and backed away, slowly. "Hahahaha! Another kill for Jimmy Casket!" he cried. His face suddenly lost it's expression, then he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Toast ran to Simon, terrified. A spot of blood was splattered on the wall behind him. He checked for k. He carefully put his arms behind Simon's head and knees. "I'm sorry, sir..." he said, lifting the limp ravenette in his arms. "I'll come back for you..."

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