Part 33: Wolf

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Welcome to "I Just Read an Unfinished Fic and I Remembered I Should Probably Finish Mine-"

"What?!" Simon cried.

Ghost laughed nervously as Toast padded towards him.

"H-He does this," Ghost chuckled.

"How?! Why-- What?!" Simon sputtered. He sighed frustratedly after not being able to form a coherent question.

"Puppy!" Spooker chirped. Ghost sighed as the young man got off of Colon's back and hugged Toast.

"This has to be some kind of fever dream..." Simon grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Toast snorted and broke the door to the outside down.

"Once we get in the station, we should stop and try to figure out how to get Toast back to normal," Ghost said, "Unfortunately, I don't have those berries that cured me."

Spooker got back up on Colon's back, and they kept going.

Simon studied Toast up and down. His fur was a dark brown, unlike his black hair he had as a human. His claws were as long as nails and probably even sharper.

Simon pulled Ghost aside and asked, "He won't hurt us, right?"

"I mean, he did claw me once," Ghost said, "But it was just so we could talk. He understands us, though he can't talk."

Simon noticed Ghost's uncomfortableness. He looked uneasy around his canine friend.

He brushed it off and gave a small sigh.

They returned to the train station and put in the fuse. The door made a loud "clunk" sound.

Ghost opened the door with a big, satisfied grin.

They continued through the subway. Toast mauled anything that came too close.

However, the creatures with pistols proved to be a bit more difficult.

Ghost took them out with his own pistol to save Toast a few bullet holes.

Simon started to feel tired, and he sat on one of the turnstiles.

He became lost in thought until a hand on his shoulder snapped him from his thoughts, making him nearly fall.

"O-Oh, sorry kid," Toast chuckled, "Are you alright...?"

"I'm f-- Wait, you changed back??"

"Yes, I'm sorry about that," Toast replied, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "I can't really control it.."

Simon stared at him blankly for a second before bluntly saying, "You people are fucking weird..."

Toast grinned.

"Yeah, but that's what makes us cool, innit?"

Cry of Fear and VenturianTale P.I.E. Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz