Part 8: Bond

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Toast held out his hand to the kid. "Nice to meet you, Simon!" I said. He looked down at his hand, then reached out and shook it.

"Alright, so where do you live?" Ghost asked. Simon glanced at him. "Kirkville," he said quickly, putting his hands in his pockets.

Toast grinned. "Then let's start off that way!"

Simon looked down with a slight pout. "Well... Problem is, there's cars and things blocking the paths and I can't get past."

"Then we'll find ways around!" Toast said, determined. (DETERMINATION-)

He glanced back up at him. "I... guess that'll work..." he said quietly.

Ghost observed the area around them. "So this is a dead end?" he asked. Simon nodded.

"Ughh," Ghost scoffed. "The only way WE saw was a door, but it was locked."

Simon shrugged. "I've only got a stupid number code."

Toast chuckled. "It just so happens that it was locked with a code."

Simon's eyes widened. "Oh, wow..." he mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"Well, come on then!" Ghost said impatiently, turning around and walking back to where they had come from.

He seemed a bit more... aggressive than usual. Simon followed after him, leaving Toast to stand alone for a moment.

He tore himself from his thoughts and chased after them.

"Since we're going to be going around together, we should get to know each other a bit," Ghost said. "What kind of music do you like?"

"I like sad songs," Simon replied. Toast followed behind them for a while as they talked. Simon seemed uneasy around Ghost. As if he had known him as a bad person before.

Ghost turned around to face him.

"You've been awfully quiet, Johnny," he said. "Are you okay?" Toast grinned. "Yessir!" he said cheerfully. Simon glanced at him questioningly, but shrugged and went back to facing forward.

Truth be told, there was nothing wrong with Toast. He was just confused, as always.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the door with the lock. Simon pulled a notebook out of his satchel and flipped through it.

Toast hadn't noticed before, but Simon's hands were shaking. Was he nervous to be around them? Or... Was he scared?

He suddenly stopped on one page, then put the code in the lock.

Toast patted the kids shoulder, making him jump a bit. "Good job!" he said. Simon smiled a bit.

Ghost opened the door, and they continued on to take Simon home.

Cry of Fear and VenturianTale P.I.E. Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now