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"Don't worry little one, It'll soon be over" A beautiful woman said. There were loud bangs coming from outside. The baby let out a sharp cry after a louder noise. The woman held the baby tightly in her arms as she opened and large door.

"In here" she said and placed the baby in a small box. She gently placed the box underneath the bed. And went out of the room again. 

Another loud sound. This time closely followed by footsteps in the room. The baby cried, And was heard by the men in the room. One of them got the baby out of the box.

"We found her" He said.

I shot up in my bed. I was covered in sweat and tears were rolling down my face. I heard some footsteps in the hall next to my room which only freaked me out more. I got up and ran out of my room. I guess im not really running anywhere just away from my dreams.

A loud sound came from the room next to me which caused me to scream. I wasn't sure where I was but I was terrified of the men from my nightmare. I ran towards the stairs and ran down them until I heard people coming up. 

I was probably running around somewhere on the second floor, where all of the training rooms are. I opened the first one I saw and dashed in there. 

Turned out I was wrong about being on the second floor. I was in a rather large but completely empty room. At the other side of the room was some sort of cell.

Crap, I must be at the third floor.

"Helena" I heard someone say. I walked closer to the cell and I could finally see who was in it.

"I don't know your name" I said back after an silence.

"It's Loki" He said and stepped closer to the glass wall. "Your sister was here a moment ago"

"I didn't meant to come here" I replied and regretted running around like an complete moron. I turned around and walked back to the door.

"Please don't leave" He said pleadingly. I turned around again and walked back to the glass wall. Until I was less then a meter away from him. 

"Well at least you don't yell at me like your sister" He said awkwardly.

"I only want to know one thing, then I'm out of here again" I said "Why did you sent us away?"

"I didn't" He said "Your mom died and I... I sort of lost my way. Thor's father was worried for you and your sister. So he ordered Thor to take you two away" 

"Oh" I managed to say "Well then I have a second question"

"How about I answer your question if you answer mine" He asked. 

"Deal" I said "Why are you here now?"

"The avengers need my help" He said. "why are you running around in the middle of the night?"

"I... Had a nightmare" I stuttered.

"About?" He asked and sat down.

"Sadly that's not how this deal works" I said and also sat down "Did you ever look for us?"

"I asked Heimdall to look for you, But he refused" He said "What was your nightmare about?"

I looked down at my hands and started playing around with the bracelet Steve gave me. It was very old but really beautiful. 

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to" He said after a little while. 

"Thanks" I muttered and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Okay another question" He said and gave me a small smile "Do you like it here?"

"It's not that bad" I answered. "most people are nice" 

"Good" He said and smiled "Aren't you tired? it's 4 o'clock"

"Can't sleep" I said "Apparently meeting your long lost father makes you lay awake at night"

"Understandable" He said. I stood up and walked to the door.

"Goodnight" I said.

"Sleep well Helena" He responded

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now