Angry Thor

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A woman walked around the room for some time, she was waiting for someone. She looked out of the window and her eyes lit up with happiness. "Stay here" The woman ordered me. Incapable of moving I laid there still, not making a sound.

A few moments later the door opened and a man wearing black and dark green leather clothing walked in. His hair was black and his eyes were emerald green. I wanted to go to him, he looked familiar. Only I couldn't move, I let out a sigh and started to scream. I mean, that's also a way to get someones attention right? The man looked up and after greeting the woman walked over to me. I smiled and managed to bring my arms up.

He picked me up and held me close to his face. I managed to grab his finger and held on to it, afraid that this feeling was going to vanish. I felt him kiss my forehead and I looked over at the woman. She was standing there with her arms crossed and a big smile on her face.

A loud sound woke me up. I looked around the room to see where the sound came from. But a few seconds later my fears where confirmed: It was thunder.

"Thor's angry" I heard a voice say next to me. I looked over and saw that it was Loki. He was still eating the bread that they brought in a few hours ago. I had already eaten my piece.

"I thought that wasn't true" I said and sat up straight.

"Nature can cause it as well, but when it's like this centered around one area and won't stop for two hours straight. Then it's definitely him" He responded and took a bite. "He's angry at something"

"Maybe he's looking for us?" I questioned.

"He believes that I took you" He stated and handed me a piece of his bread. Normally I would boycott this but I was so hungry, so I gladly took it.

"How can you possibly know that?" I asked and took a big bite.

"It's the only logical thing to think in his shoes" He responded and closed his eyes.

"Steve will talk him out of that, I mean he saw me getting taken" I said.

"Thor's hardheaded" He just said and sighed. I ate the rest of the piece of bread and leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. But only after about one minute I was already uncomfortable. I laid down on the floor and laid my head on my arm, but again it became too uncomfortable too fast. I groaned and sat up, crossing my arms over my chest and staring into nothing.

"Scary dream?" Loki questioned. I looked over and saw him still sitting in the same position with his eyes closed.

"No" I replied and went back to my staring competition with the wall.

"Then what was it about?" He asked. I saw him moving from the corner of my eye.

"Nothing" I replied and sighed. I'm tired but can't sleep in on a concrete floor. I moved around a bit to try make the tingling feeling in my butt away but it only worsened.

"You know that you're never gonna like me if you don't trust me" He sighed.

"You know I'm never gonna trust you if you keep being unlikable" I shot back. He sounded very annoyed and turned away from me. I chuckled and closed my eyes.

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now