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We decided not to split up since that is just stupid and kept walking together in a northern direction. My wrist still hurt a bit from the fall but not as bad as the right side of my rib cage where the guy kicked me.

I stopped and leaned against the wall covering my rib cage with my hand. Steve didn't seem to notice me at first but eventually turned around and eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm fine" I breathed out. "I just need a second"

Steve walked back and stopped in front of me "Let me see" He mumbled. I realized that I was wearing a dress. And that therefore I could either show him my bra or my underwear. I groaned and rolled the dress up , showing off my blue underwear.

The place were he'd kicked me was different shades of red, blue and purple. Steve hovered with his hand over it until finally softly pressing his palm against the bruise. I groaned and tried shuffling a bit to the side, but Steve's other arm held me back in place.

"I need to check if you've broken something" He said and touched the spot again. Suddenly a loud alarm went off. I jumped at the sound but Steve seemed non-impressed.

"Why hasn't the alarm gone off before?" I asked.

"I don't know" He answered and rolled down my dress again. he grabbed my hand and forced me to start walking again. I groaned in annoyance and followed him. The alarm stopped and left us in silence.

I really hope Clint is alright, I shouldn't have left him like that. Maybe I could have done something

"Steve?" I asked.


"Do you die if you get shot in the stomach?" I asked carefully. Steve stopped walking and looked at me.

"Clint's fine" He stated

"I shouldn't-" I started but he shushed me. It took me a long time to actually hear it but finally I could hear and see them.

Infront of us was a group of men that were wearing black bullet proof vests. Behind us were the exact same amount of people with the exact same outfit.

Steve stood close to me covering a lot of my body with his shield. The men weren't holding guns. So it was gonna be an actual fight.

The first guy tried attacking Steve from the back. Steve punched him in the face and kicked away the next guy.

Someone grabbed my arm and tried dragging me along. But I wasnt gonna give up so easily.
I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and as he bended over on pain brought my knee up and smashed his face in. I wanted to do somewhat of a victory dance but felt someone kick the back of my knee.

I fell over but immediatly turned around to face my new challanger. The guy put his knee of my ribcage making me unable to move. I looked around for steve but saw that he wasn't doing so good him self.

It took four guys to have him pinned against the wall. A fifth guy walked up to him and put a weird machine infront of his face.

"Rogers, Steve. Not infected" A voice out of the machine said. The fifth guy shrugged and mumbled something. He threw the machine at the person holding me down.

He did the same thing as the other guy. The machine hovered above my face.

"Laufeyson, Helena. Infected" it read out.

Infected with what?

My last name is Laufeyson? I don't even know how to write that.

"She'll do" The guy holding me down said Steve tried pushing away the guys holding him down but it didnt work. Three man grabbed me and dragged me down the long halway. I couldn't see Steve anymore but I could here him yelling after me.

"Sorry princess, nothing personal" someone said and hit me with his fist in my face. Everything turned black.

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now