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It was quiet for a few more seconds. Then another explosion came. People started yelling orders and the room came to move. A few people pushed over a table. The table was immediately sucked towards the hole in the wall. It covered most of it restoring the gravity in the room. Yet it still felt like the helicarrier was flying crooked.

I saw Steve and Tony running out of the room, Probably headed for the place where they keep their uniforms. I ran over to Allison who looked like a lost puppy after Tyler also ran away. I grabbed her hand and guided her out of the cafeteria.

"What's happening?!" She yelled as we reached the hallway "Where do we go?"

We first need to find out what's going on. Let's go to the control room!

"This way" I mumbled and ran to the left. I heard another explosion closely followed by the entire ship shaking. Allison fell against the wall and so did I. I groaned and quickly got up. But Allison didn't.

"Allison?" I asked with a shaking voice. She didn't respond. I started to quietly freak out and sat down next to her. I removed the hair that was covering her face and saw that her eyes were closed.

Does that mean that she's not dead?

I shook her shoulders, But she didn't respond. She fell to the side and laid their lifeless.

"No, No. fuck Allison! don't die" I screamed and felt the tears of frustration and being scared roll over my cheeks. I used the medic shit I was forced to learn a few years ago on her and made sure her head was to the side.

"Helena?" I heard Loki ask behind me. I quickly turned around and saw him standing there surprised.

"She's not responding!" I yelled while still crying. He quickly went down on his knees next to me and put his fingers on her neck.

"She's alive" He responded and let out a sigh of relief. He then held his hand hovering over her mouth. "And breathing"

Another explosion followed. The Helicarrier started turning around. I held on to a bar that was next to me but saw Allison slide by me. I tried grabbing her hand but failed. Loki tried doing the same thing. He also failed but also couldn't hold on to the door he was holding. He slid down the hall following Allison. I held out my hand for him to grab but he refused.

"Find Thor. I'll protect Allison" He yelled over the noise. I couldn't see him anymore after a few seconds and was left alone in the hallway.

How the flying fuck do I find Thor in this huge ship?! Okay think logical. What would he be doing right now? Probably meeting up with the other Avengers. Where are all the Avengers headed right now? The control room or Fury's office.

I looked around trying to notice anything that might indicate where I am. I couldn't find anything that stood out in particular but what I did see was that the bar I was holding onto wasn't just a bar. It was part of stairs.

I climbed up trying not to fall to my death and managed to get the hatch above me opened. Whilst doing a small victory dance in my head I climbed through it. The ship started rotating the to the other side making the normal gravity return once again.

"Thor?!" I shouted out with few hopes of him actually hearing it. I heard footsteps running towards me, too many footsteps to be just one person. 

After a few seconds of dead silence I saw people in black bullet proof vests running towards me. And then stopping when they saw me. One of them shouted something. They all pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now