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When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by fog. I could only see 5 meters ahead of me. When I looked to my left I saw a fence made out of barbed wire, on my right was the exact same thing. The ground was all muddy and wet.

I took a step forward and waited for something to happen. I felt a weird pressure in my stomach, the kind you feel when you know something scary is gonna happen.

Nothing happened.

I walked two more steps and waited again, Nothing happened. I felt a cold breeze in my neck that felt like someone was behind me. Without checking I ran away from it. I heard footsteps behind me that were closely catching up to me. I tried running faster until I ran into someone.

* * *

I opened my eyes to the room I fell asleep in. Steve was still snoring slightly and had his arm wrapped around me.

This must be the first time that I'm awake before he is.

I sighed knowing that there was no way I was gonna get out of his grip and relaxed a bit. His heartbeat was steady and so was his breathing.

He moved around a bit and slowly opened his eyes.

" 'morning" I smirked at his sleepy face. He removed his arm and stretched.

"Good morning" he answered and basically pushed me aside. He got up and walked over to the closet. "Did you get a good sleep?"

"I did" I lied and also stood up.

"Really? You were crying in your sleep" he said casually.

"That happens all of the time" I lied and rolled my eyes. I grabbed a dress from the closet and walked to the bathroom. After taking a deep breath I undressed myself and put the new dress on. It was bright yellow and had a high neckline. It ended a bit above my knee.

"Looks good on you" Steve commented when I entered the living room.

"Thanks" I muttered awkwardly.

* * * 

"I want that one" I pointed at the cereal on the highest shelf. We found a supermarket only half an hour away from the house. Steve reached out for the cereal and he was barely able to grab it. He handed it to me and I put in the card. 

The supermarket was relatively big, seeing as it stood in a small town. People were staring at us when we walked by but a simple glare from me scared them off. I pushed the card into a new isle and saw that this one only had hygene stuff. 

"Toilet paper" I mumbled and walked further into the isle. When I was nearly halfway through I saw like 500 different brands. Steve stood next to me and scratched the back of his head.

"They can't be that different can they?" He asked half to himself half to me.

"Let's just take the cheapest one" I repeated for the thousends time in this store. I had no idea there were so many different brands for the same product. "I think this should suffice for now. We can always come back for more?"

We walked back to the register and steve paid. I should pay him back. After that we drove home in silence. I was soley focused on the music coming out of the radio. There was so much music that everytime a new song started I got excited for it again.  I never really got to listen to music much. 

When we reached the house I put everything in its place and walked back to Steve, who was watching TV in the living room. 

"I'm gonna take a nap okay?" I said and went to the bedroom. Steve mumbled something that sounded confirming and was still focused on the TV. Without changing out of the dress I crawled under the sheets and immediately fell into a deep slumber.

* * * 

I opened my eyes in a dark, half lit room. Actually I couldn't see where the walls were. I only saw a table with two chairs. 

"Helena" I heard someone say. I turned  around but saw no one. When I faced the table again I saw Loki sitting there with a worried look. "Sit"

I slowly walked over to the table and sat down. "Is this a dream?" I wondered out loud. I was still wearing the dress I went to sleep in. 

"It's not. This is real and I need you to focus Helja" He said and leaned over the table. "I'm going to get you out of there, then we can flee to a safer place"

"But it's safe here?" I asked. I felt strange for some reason. Like my body was somewhere else then my mind was. I let my head fall back and looked back up at the sky. It was a black pit with only two bright golden eyes staring down at me. My hand went up. I wanted to touch the face of the person looking down at me. Was it god? or maybe Thor and Loki's father? 

"Helja" Loki repeated to get my attention back on him. I looked back at him and saw that he was attempting to control his rage. "It is not safe on Midgard. There are-"

"What is a Midgard?"  I asked. My head spinning again.

"Earth" He said with a big sigh. "Helja we don't have much time. You have to listen to me. Lock the doors of the house and hide somewhere. they are coming for you and might get there before I do. Do you-"

I woke up in the same bed as I went asleep in. But now with a weird feeling of being watched.

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now