One last shot

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Alfheim is beautiful. It didn't take me very long to figure that out. Every since I was strong enough to get out of bed I went out exploring. They have a beautiful flower garden and woods that go on for miles and miles. I also found out that they have a huge library with a Midgard section, where they had terrible books in.

I chose to not see Loki. I do not want to sound like typical teenager, but god I have had it with him. We've fought, several times, and coming to think of it, he also basically kidnapped me. So everyday I got up early and got some food from the castles kitchen and after that I walked outside, everyday a different direction. Sometimes the same direction twice and then the second time I'd bring a book.

Today I walked to the north. Sadly I couldn't get very far before encountering a deep valley. I tried walking around it but after about three hours of walking the road was blocked by, well a mountain. The mountain was way to high to climb, I couldn't even see where it ended. With a sigh I sat down against the rock wall and got my lunch out of my leather bag I totally did not steal.

The bread they had here was very similar to the bread we have back home but here they added different tastes, today I happened to grab one that tasted like strawberries and banana. I chewed on the plain bread as I looked around a bit. I could see the high towers of the castle peak over the trees and the mountain going on for miles next to me. But there was something about it. There appeared to be some sort of in caving twenty meters away from me. I put the half eaten bread in the bag and quickly stood up, excited for another adventure.

I was right, there was a cave. But it didn't go very deep. I turned around and sighed but right when I wanted to walk away I heard a whistling tone coming from inside the cave. I immediately opened the leather purse and got out a dagger I also totally haven't stolen. The whistling tone came again as I stepped closer in to the cave. It sounded so familiar... I saw a small green light a few meters in front of me. I grabbed it and instantly sprinted out of the tunnel again.

It's a phone.

"What?" I wondered out loud, something I've done quite a lot these days. I unlocked it and saw the picture of a girl and what looked like her boyfriend. She had a lot of texts from different people.

I can call someone! Wait, who do I call? I can't call the cops they will never believe me. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't really have a phone number and neither does Steve... Stark industries has one... But how do I find out what that is? The internet!

I sat down at the cave entrance and opened Google Chrome. A branch broke a few meters away from me and I immediately jumped up with the dagger back in my hand. A guy from around my age, maybe a little bit older stood there with multiple soldiers. He said something in that weird Alfheim language. I hid the phone in my back pocked and crossed my arms.

"I have no idea what you're saying dude" I stated. He let out a short laugh and waved away the soldiers who quickly turned around and marched away.

"My name is Fjölnir." He said and slowly walked up to me.

"Hey." I just answered and took a step back. He smiled kindly at me which made me even more creeped out.

"I am son of Freyr." He said and pointed at himself. Oooh that makes sense... I straightened my back a bit and coughed awkwardly. I walked forward and held out my hand.

"I'm Helena." I said as he shook my hand with a smile "Or Helja whatever suits you best."

"Helja is good name" He said with a very thick, barely understandable accent. I smiled at him and leaned against the cave's entrance.

"Did you follow me?" I asked him. He looked around a bit and took a step closer to me, which got him.. Very close to me.

"I want to see what is inside of cave." He answered. He had green eyes with dark circles under them. His skin was pale and looked like it would bruise at the touch. His hair was combed perfectly into place. He looked like one of those old French kings, that would do nothing all day except for eat and drink wine. But this French king definitely wasn't fat, he looked like he still went out exploring everyday in his fancy costume. Without realizing it my fingers brushed against his jawline, I only got out of the trance because he smiled widely at me.

Keep it in your pants Helena.

His hand went up to my face and put a lock of my hair behind my ear. I smiled back at him and took a step backwards further into the cave. I turned around to see where I was going but Fjölnir put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"It be dangerous. I go first." He said. I rolled my eyes and hit is hand away.

"I don't see you carrying a dagger." I spat back. He laughed and got his sword out of the sheath I didn't even noticed yet. I walked further into the cave and noticed more items laying on the ground. Keys, soda cans even what looked like a dead bird. I looked away from it and stared ahead, It looked like just the ending of the cave, a rock wall. But that wouldn't explain why all this stuff is here. Was it some sort of dump for Midgardian stuff they didn't know what to do with?

"Helja," I heard an oh so familiar voice say behind me. "Get back."

"Why is it dangerous?" I asked and took a step closer to the wall. I heard footsteps coming closer to me and before I realized it I was being dragged out of the cave.

"It is very dangerous if you don't know how to deal with it" Loki said and finally let go once we were outside. Fjölnir followed us outside and stood there a bit awkwardly. Loki shot him an angry glare "Your father wants you back in the castle immediately." Fjölnir nodded respectfully at Loki and walked off towards the castle.

"Aren't we supposed to get back too? Might as well walk with him." I tried. Loki nodded no and grabbed my leather bag that I dropped. He offered me to link arms with me but I just looked at him suspiciously "What are you playing at?"

"I want to go on a walk with my daughter." He said and held out his hand for me to grab. "I don't want to fight with you."

One last shot, If we end up arguing I'm calling Stark.

"Okay, fine" I answered and grabbed his hand. We walked back into the woods but not directly to the castle. This is my shot, if I play my cards right I can get so many questions answered.

"What happened to my mother?" I asked him in a small voice. That question had been bugging me ever since we arrived here. It didn't come up before because I just accepted her death, but most of the people here were acting strange around me. Maybe it had something to do with her? I noticed that he was basically squeezing the living hell out of my hand and that he looked deep in thoughts. Right when I was gonna say something he started talking.

"Her name was Angrboða,"He started. "I married her to annoy Odin." He smiled and kicked a rock away.

"Why was he annoyed?" I asked and kicked the rock that was now on my side.

"Asgardians and giants don't like each other, she was a giant from a royal family." He answered. "First Aliza was born, then you. After that people started looking for her, saying she had something they wanted." He sounded more and more angry by the second. "They started attacking Asgard to look for her. And they eventually found her"

"Oh" I said and stopped walking. He also stopped and looked at me. I had no idea what to say, I mean I've never been very good with words let alone emotional situations. I only knew one thing to do. I stepped forward and hugged him tightly. He tensed up at first but eventually hugged me back.

"If you stop being such an asshole I'll be nicer" I said.


We arrived back at the castle a little after dark. Loki told me more about my mother and what kind of person she was. Which was surprisingly disappointing. He told me that he married her to annoy Odin and that her greedy stereotype giant personality definitely helped with that.

I was very hungry so when we arrived at the castle I went straight to the kitchen. But when I got there I saw a strange person walking. It looked like a normal soldier but behind him was floating someone. It looked like him but then everything was just... Black. I felt someone poke my side and saw that Loki handed me an apple.

"What is that?" I asked Loki and pointed at the man.

"A soldier?" He guessed and took a bite from his apple.

"I mean behind him." I said. The soldier walked to a group of what looked like his friends. They all greeted him normally. Loki put his hands on my shoulder.

"What do you see Helja?" He whispered behind me.

"Death" I answered

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now