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This is a dumb idea.

I stood right in front of the door. With in front of me and behind me people. The first part of the plan was crucial: kill or at least knock unconscious people that open the door. Since I took the fighter side I now actually have to fight.

I could use my powers. But only when I know that we can't win the fight anymore, so sort of like a last resort.

I heard footsteps approaching the door. The person in front of me tensed up. My heart was beating in my throat and my hands were sweaty. I made myself a bit smaller and stood in the fighting position Clint taught me.

The door opened and immediately the first two people of our group started fighting. A shot rang out and I saw one of the two falling down. For some reason no one started fighting, or help the other guy.

Three man all wearing military outfits stepped into the room. I looked at the ground and saw the one that actually did start fighting laying there with his eyes wide open, and a bullet hole in between them. I stood back up straight once again thinking about burning away a memory.

"Make a line" One man said in a redneck accent. I thought someone would reject but soon we were all standing side by side in two lines.

"Him" He pointed to one of the scientist. "And her"

Either he's pointing at me or the person behind me. Ah who am I kidding he means me.

One guy stepped forward and grabbed my arm. Another man did the same for the scientist. He dragged us out of the room and into a hallway. A blindfold was placed over my eyes and I could only see my feet so I was hoping they wouldn't walk me into a wall.

We walked for quite some time. Sometimes making turns. I heard doors open and the blindfold was removed. I was in some sort of lab that looked like the ones at S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Sit" A woman said and pointed at a table. When she pointed at it her lab coat went to the side and revealed a gun strapped to her side. I slowly walked over to the table and hopped on.

I looked to my right and saw that the wall was made entirely out of glass. The room next to us was identical. But in there was the scientist that also got picked out. He looked back at me and gave me an encouraging smile. I couldn't bring myself to smile back.

We were brought here because they believe we're infected with something. And now we are in some sort of lab with people who have guns, they are gonna test something on us. And if I know one thing then that is that being test subject number one usually comes close with a lot of pain and possibly death.

The doors were closed by the soldiers and I was now left in the lab with one woman in a doctors coat and a soldier. Both of them didn't strike me as very friendly.

The woman walked up to me holding some sort of a syringe. She poked the needle in my arm and took three small tubes of blood.

"Lay down" She said. As soon as my back touched the surface of the table the soldier appeared above me and strapped me down using leather belts.

This better not be some Fifty Shades Of Grey shit.

The soldier stepped back and the woman was now standing next to me holding a knife. As soon as my eyes landed on that I tried squirming out of the belts. The soldier tightened the belts around my wrists. The woman lifted my dress up and placed the cold blade on the left side of my rib cage.

"If you move" She said dangerously "I could slid one of your veins and you would have a very painful and slow death"

I nodded and closed my eyes. I could feel her pressing the blade through my skin. I immediately fell the pain blast through me and bit my lip trying not to move or cry.

The cutting stopped and I opened my eyes. When I looked to my side I saw that she placed some sort of metal strip inside me. It throbbed like hell and her sewing up the wound didn't exactly help with the pain.

The straps were removed and the soldier grabbed my arm to pull me up. He walked out of the room and dragged me along. I saw that the other room also opened and that the scientist guy, who looked pale as fuck, was being pushed the other way.

I rolled down my dress so no one could see my underwear and walked next to the guy.

"What's your name?" I asked. He looked at me surprised, which I can't blame him for. I wasn't exactly sure what my plan was, but it felt like a smart thing to ask.

"Jai" He answered and sternly looked ahead again.

"I'm Helena" I said and offered him to shake my hand. He stared at it but just shook his head and made a turn. I shrugged and put my hand away "I've never been on a ship before"

"I'm not looking to make small talk with you Helena" He said and opened a door.

"Okay well nice to meet you too!" I yelled sarcastically as he slammed the door in my face. I turned around and immediately got some sort of black bag over my head. I felt someone kick me and I fell against a wall. Someone laughed and kicked me again before pulling me up and placing me on what felt like a chair. My hands got tied together behind my back.

"What is your name princess?" Someone with a very southern accent asked.

"Helena" I answered.

"Last name?"

"Laufer... Laufres? Certainly something with Lauf in it"

It was quite for a little while until the man let out a short laugh. "You don't know your own name?"

"Well... No" I said. "Why am I here?"

"What do you know of Lixtend?" He asked back. I thought about it for a second but came up with nothing.

"Nothing" I answered. I felt an blow to my side closely followed by the wound throbbing like hell.

"That was for being dumb" He said. I gritted my teeth and let my head hang.

"Lixtend, is a disease. It's in your brain" He said and tapped my head. I was lifted out of the chair and shoved against a wall. I felt something trace my back before hitting it hard. I let out a yelp and sunk to my knees. Another strike, closely followed by another wave of pain.

"What do you want me to say?" I cried out. I felt something like a cane hit my shoulder.

"Absolutely nothing" He answered. The stick hit my bruised side and I let out another cry. The stick next hit my head. I fell over and didn't bother getting up.

"She's out" I heard a voice say. The door opened and a few footsteps came walking in.

"Well let's see who were dealing with then" Someone responded. I quickly closed my eyes and felt the bag being pulled off my head. "Finally a pretty one"

"Well she's out now. Might as well make a use of it"


"No, I want her to be awake" The other man responded and both of them laughed.


I felt someone kick my rib cage and resisted the urge to whimper.

"You sure she's out?" One of them asked.

"Well, Only one way to make sure" He said. I felt another blow and everything turned dark.

Helena |  Loki's Daughter  |Where stories live. Discover now