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Grey, 22 y/o

1890 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

"Awake my brave lone wolf."

I heard Joseph's voice in the distance and I tried to open up my eyes but it hurts so damn bad.


Joseph chuckled, "Oh Grey, so naïve and innocent."

I tried to see and observe what's around me. My hands were tied to a wooden pole and I can't seem to shift them. I looked around, it was dark and it seems like we are inside a tomb. I can't find Ruby or James I'm scared to death. I don't know what's going to happen.

"Did I do something wrong Father?" I whimpered and Joseph just laughed at me.

"No my child, I just wanted to have a lovely conversation with you."

I frowned, "I apologise for everything I did wrong Father but please, I need to know what..."

"Silence Grey! I don't want to hear another word from you."

I gulped and stayed quiet. His voice echoed around the room and his attitude scared me. Joseph walked and observed me from a distance. His eyes turned dark red and veins started to crawl out under his skin but then it vanishes again. "Don't worry about a thing my dear, this will hurt just a tiny bit."

He walked closer to me and eyeing on my neck. He choked my neck and turned my head to the side and got closer to my neck, sniffing it. "Ah, fresh pureblood." He sniffed again and taking in all the scent, his eyes turned dark again, his veins starts to reappear again, his fangs are showing out and his grip on my neck stiffens. I can't breath properly at this point and I was about to pass out. "Father what are you doing? Please stop." He looked at me dead straight to my eyes and our eyes locked.

"You are going to be sired to me young wolf, we are going to be bonded and you will not do anything about this."

His eyes pulses and changes to a very dark, deep red and his veins shows clearly now. He turned into a beast and I can't do anything about this. My body obeys his every word even when my mind isn't. I stayed very still on the chair and I wasn't even trying to untie the ropes on my hands. His fangs touched my neck and he punctured my skin. It stings at first and then I felt him sucking blood away, I was dizzy and I have to do something but my body denied. I tried to scream for help but my mouth wouldn't even open. He feasted on my blood like I am his last supper and then it's over. Joseph stood up in front of me and touched my face, "Now it's your turn my dear." He rolled up his sleeves upwards and bites his own arm. Blood was dripping from his arm and he tried to show it to me. I tried to look away but the smell of blood entices me. I took a little peek, "Don't be shy little one, have your feast." He showed me his hand and brought it closer to me.

My heart was pounding and I could feel my mouth was gasping for air. I lost control over my hunger again. I could feel my body begins to burn like hell, I could feel my fangs are coming out and I have the desire to feast on the blood from Joseph's arm. He brought his arm closer to my mouth and my fangs clenched deep inside his arm, "Argh, careful now sweetheart. Drink up slowly." I started to drink his blood bit by bit and it taste delightful. I can't stop. What is happening to me?

"Father! You need to stop!"

I stopped feasting on Joseph and turned my head, Ruby was just standing there shocked and she's out of breath. James followed behind her and looked furious. Joseph's face changed, his fangs are fully showing out and his eyes are even darker than before. He stepped forward and grabbed Ruby by her neck and yanked her up in the sky. "What did I tell you kids before, stay out of this room." He kept looking at Ruby and he is becoming a vicious beast. He slammed her down to the ground and her head hits a big, sharp rock. I gasped and tried to untie my hands as fast as I could. James tried to step in but Joseph stopped him, he told James to go away and get out of this room. He looked straight to James, "Get out." James didn't even try to deny Joseph. He just nodded and left immediately.

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