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Grey, 161 y/o

1950 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

"Welcome to Black Bear! My name's Finn and I'll be your server. What's for today?"

I landed a job as a server in a local diner downtown and yes I know, I'm not using my real name. I was hiding for years out of everyone's sight and literally I went years MIA and also James. He was very upset during those years because he cannot go anywhere. I felt guilty because I'm the one that told him to stay put and just stay at home. It has been a very coarse 59 years since we lost sight of Mary, we lost Ruby and I killed Joseph.

I still haven't gotten hold of Mary and I'm still-hunting her down. Hoping one day I'll find her and avenge Ruby. But for now, I kept laying low until years to come. Hoping that somehow magically people would forget about Joseph and Mary that had gone missing.

I've learnt so much more about myself and about James. I've spent years and years learning about my origin and kind. I just realised that factually I am the one and only, living and breathing TriBrid in this universe.

"We would like to have the Grizz and also a classic French toast please."

"Sure can do, your drinks?" I smiled.

"Um... 2 glasses of orange juices please. Oh and make it cold."

"Right away! Thanks."

I walked towards the counter to put in the orders. I have been working here for almost 2 years now. Telling everyone my name is Finn and I'm 23 years old. Some were asking how do I look so young and looked the same over the years and I just laughed it off. I didn't want to answer that question because I'm confused on how to.

"Finn, can you put this up for me please?"

"Sure thing Gracey, give it to me."

Grace Fisher, more known as Gracey. She is a 20 year-old beautiful girl with blonde hair and hazel colored eyes. She's my friend at work and has been working there for over a year. We became close friends when her parents died because of a tragic accident a year ago. I came by to her parent's funeral and I stood close by her to calm her down and be her shoulder to cry on. Ever since then, we grew closer and closer.

We worked day and night together, we've spent our weekends hanging out together and I shared all of my secrets with her. Except for, you know about me. Sometimes when I felt this adrenaline rush to feed I hid myself from her and try to calm myself down. I wasn't even supposed to be near any human beings because I feed on them. TriBrids feeds on purebloods especially humans. I didn't want to hurt the only friend I got and I also didn't want to scare her away.

"Can we talk? I've been feeling weird lately at college." Grace asked me.

I frowned, "What is it? Talk to me." I quickly put the orders up and face her.

"There is this one guy that kept stalking me around and I don't like that."

"What guy?"

"I don't even know him, I'm just scared and Luke tried to find out about him but he found none. Maybe you can help?"

Oh yeah, Luke. Lucas Fisher is Grace's brother. He's quite charming but he's a lot younger than me. By a lot I meant A LOT. He's 22 years old. He's a brunette and got the same exact hazel eyes like Grace's.

"I'll go there with you. What time?"

"Are you sure? Are you okay with that? Is James..."

"It's fine." I frowned and nodded at her. Assuring her that's I really do want to help out.

"Okay well maybe... tomorrow after lunch? I don't know."

"I'll see you tomorrow at 14:00 pm at KCC."

She nodded and thank me, "I'll see you tomorrow."

She walked away and I quickly throw a question at her, "Say, the guy. What does he look like?"

She frowned and face me, "He's um... he got dark brown hair well, almost black hair but he's certainly tall and big."

"All guys are big, go on."

"Oh, his eyes are blue I think and he's a bit pale. That's what I remembered."

I'm in shock, blue eyes, pale and dark hair? It can't be. I frowned and kept silent.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked me.

"Oh yeah, yeah... I'm okay." I put out a small smile and told her to carry on working. I contemplate and kept on thinking, it's just a random guy walking around the campus. It can't certainly be him and why would he even be there?

I continued to work and finished my shift early on. I said my good byes to Grace and headed home. I quickly ran home and lock all doors the minute I went inside.



James walked out from the kitchen towards the living room and found me.

"You looked like you've seen shit." He said.

"I might tomorrow." I put down all of my stuff and dumped myself on the sofa.

"What's going on?" He glared and sat down next to me.

I flicked my fingers to the windows and pointed down. The blinds and the curtains closes up and the windows locked themselves. "Look, here's the thing."

James listened to me carefully.

"Gracey told me that there's this one guy in college that followed her every single day and...."

"Here we go, girls talk huh?" He began to loosen himself and leaned back to the sofa.

I frowned and throw a small punch to his shoulder, "You're not listening!"

"Ouch! Okay, fine go on." He rubbed his shoulder and give out a little chuckle.

"She said that he looked pale, he's tall, he's big, he got dark hair and he's got blue eyes."

"So?" James frowned.

"Remember someone like that?" I lifted my eyebrows and then James grasped something.

"No. No way. No! Nope not buying it." He stood up and tried to leave me. I caught up to him, "I'm not even joking! I'm going to KCC tomorrow and see for myself."

James got irritated, "No!"

"I don't care, alright? She's a good friend and I want to help her out."

"It's not safe for us to be out there in the middle of the day and..."

"It's not safe for you, not me." I scowled and stormed off back to my room.

"Grey!" He shouted but I closed the door to my room before him.

I got to get to the bottom of this, who's this guy? It's not probable to be him, I haven't seen him for years and I thought he disappeared and went somewhere else. I was hoping not to see him ever again because he might ask bunch of questions about Ruby, Mary and Joseph.

"Ugh, why." I smacked myself on my bed and began drifting off to sleep. I'm tired and I need to get a rest.

Big day tomorrow and I might need to prepare myself.

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