Young Love

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Grey, 161 y/o

1950 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Where am I? Darkness surrounds me and there is nothing I could see, touch and feel. I felt suffocated. I felt lost. I felt alone.

"Help me Grey."

"Help me... Please."

I can't breathe. I can't see you. Come closer.

I gasped for air and opened up my eyes. I heard Ruby's voice calling me. It was just a dream, a bad one. I rubbed my face with both of hands and sat still on the bed. I looked across the room and the light was dim. The sun shined through tiny openings from the window curtain. I looked at the clock and it's 7:00 in the morning.

"You up?" James knocked on the door and opened the door a little bit.

"Yeah, I'm up." I began crawling out from my bed and stretched my body a little bit.

"You're not going for work again?" He asked and walked inside my room. He sat down on my sage armchair near the window.

"I might just quit today. I can't deal with it anymore."

For weeks, I haven't been gone to work. I haven't been feeling good lately and I haven't feed on anything at all. I wasn't even attracted to food or even cupcakes, I love them but I just didn't feel like getting one.

I heard the doorbell rings, "Someone's at the door, can you get it for me?" I asked James and he nodded.

He walked towards the door and opened it, "Can I uh... help you?"

"Is this Finn's house?"

"Finn? Who?" He asked.

"Um... this is 515 Walton Drive right?"

"Yes, this is the place."

I walked towards James and found Grace was standing in front of him. She was ecstatic when she saw me standing behind James. She just ran into the house and embraced me. "Where have you been? I was trying to reach you but never returned my calls."

James closed the door and stood still behind Grace. He kept looking at her and I tried to snap him out of it, "I was just stressed out so I need a few weeks off from work and everything else, I'm sorry." I smiled and told her to sit down on the sofa. I told James to make her hot cocoa and he instantly ran towards the kitchen.

"Are you okay Finn? At least can you tell me what's upsetting you? I want to help out." She smiled and held my hand softly.

I smiled gently, "I'm fine, just some family matters."

"Tell me, I'm listening." She sat still on the sofa and stayed quiet.

I chuckled, "Right. It's going to be very boring Grace, I don't think you'll even want to keep up." I looked at her and smirked.

"Try me." She smiled and kept sitting still facing me.

James walked in on our conversation, "I'm not interrupting right?" He handed over the hot cocoa to Grace.

"You are...?" Grace asked James and he looked at me.

"He's my brother, James." I smiled and introduced James to Grace.

"Hi." He smiled at Grace and she returned his smile. They looked at each other for a while then Grace looked away towards me.

"Are you going to keep staring or join us?" I asked James and he awkwardly sat across the room on an armchair next to me.


"So, I got... a bit of a problem. I uh... Well, I lost my sister. My father died and my mother ran away. I didn't know where she went and here I am trying to find her for years now." I explained the situation that I'm having and smiled at the end.

Grace looked very concerned, "Can I help with something at all Finn?"

"You can help by starting to call me Grey." I smiled.


"My name's Grey. Grey Finn Silvius."

Grace nodded and she told me to continue on.

"Here, take a look." I gave her Mary's photograph and she took a very good look at it, "You can call me or just let me know if you see her anywhere at all."

She nodded, took a short glance at James and she smiled. I noticed her and James so I stood up and told her that I need to use the bathroom for a little while. I walked towards the corridor but stood there listening.

"So, James right?" She asked.

He smiled, "Yes you are right."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 22. You?"

"I'm 20." She gave him a simple smile and he blushed.

"You're Grey's friend at work right?"

"Yes you're right. She's my mentor I mean, she took the blame for every mistake that I made." She smiled, "Thank the lord I got her as my friend."

He smiled, "Thank you for being her friend." He looked at our family photo from the distance. "She was lonely after the tragic death and got no one to talk to. She even shut herself up from me."

She smiled, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her."

"Thank you Grace."

Listening to their conversation from afar made me realize that I have never seen James being very open to another person like that. He never even smiled to anyone at all and I could see the happiness in his face. I walked back to them and just having a short simple conversation before Grace told us that she's going to be late for her college assignments.

"Talk to me if you need anything at all Grey, I'm right here okay?"

"Thank you Grace, you're a good friend." I smiled and told her good bye.

"And thank you to you too James." She smiled, "I'm glad I met you."

"Me too." James returned her smile and walked her out to the front porch and watches her leave.

I stood by next to James, "Ah... young love huh?" I smiled and teased him.

"Shut up Grey." He frowned and walked back inside the house.

"Can Heretics fall in love?" I asked out of my curiosity.

"What do you think?" He stood still and stayed quiet.

I shrugged it off. "But, that was a good start." I smiled and followed him back into the house.

"Good start for what?" He locked the door and quickly closed the windows and poured verbena around it.

"To open up to someone else. You need to talk to someone James." I stood in front of him. "You need to be happy at least once."

"Whatever." He waved his hand in front of my face and walked away.

Deep inside his heart I know he got a little crush on Grace. But I need to tell him that it is impossible for his kind to be with a human. That is just impossible; one should die to satisfy the other. One day I need to tell him how difficult it will be to be with a human. His hunger and his cravings will explode and regrets will came storming for him if he's not careful.

But for now I let him. I let him be in love with some normal human being as long as he isn't doing any harm towards her. It's now because I wanted to protect her but it's because I want to cover him up from the world. I don't want him to be hunted down by some humans and killed by them.

But at least he's happy now. I know I'm not and I know that I will be a lone wolf till death came down for me. Who even would want to spend their lives with a monster like me?

I will forever be a lone wolf but I'm okay.

I'm okay...

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