Chapter 15: The End..?

1.1K 46 12


Shoutout to


for trying to guess the chosen one!


Shoutout to


for guessing it!


Destiny made her chosen ones. Yes, two of them were made.. it was rare to make two though..

Destiny named them "Paperjam" and "Gradient".

Gradient was one second older than Paperjam just like Nightmare was 2 seconds older than Dream.

Since Fate helped Destiny, the chosen ones were similar to Error and Ink.

Well, mostly Error in looks.

Nightmare and the crew, yes,

Outer is officially a member, (Blue was actually a member as said in Chapter 11.)

moved in to Error/After's palace as well.

Almost no one knew that Error/After was still there, only Dream, the crew, Carrot and the deities knew.

Every once and then, deities come and go to visit.

He had friends, he wasn't lonely like before.

It was a Happy Ending to his story.

They knew that this wasn't the end..

but a beginning to a new life.

Error/After can't really help but..

He questioned himself,

What if I didn't do what I was Fated to do, Is my destiny going to be the same?

This chapter is soo short!
I'm really sorry!
(Don't worry! This isn't the ending YET!)

-1.5k special-

Paperjam and Fresh short skit

(May or may not contain Platonic(?) Paperfresh.)

(Take in note that time in the multiverse is different! Paperjam may be older than Fresh in this point- Base on where you count time on-)(Also, Fresh isn't connected to Error in any-way-)

*Paperjam lands on Freshtale*

"New day, new stroll on patrol." Paperjam sighs.
It was his turn for patrol.

*Fresh POOF*

"Yo! Wassup with life dawg!" a neon 90's skeleton asked. This is the all known parasite, Fresh.

"Oh hey Fresh! I'm doing fine, Thank you for asking!" Paperjam replied. Looking at his friend. They were friends for quite a long time now.

Fresh has certainly made his day better.

Is this my destiny? [An Error!Sans story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن