Chapter 56 (Chill chapter >:D)

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Sumedha POV

Sumedha tapped her pen on the table gently as she looked at the two warm eggs in the incubators before her. "I wonder why both won't hatch out yet. Maybe I should call Grandma," she muttered quietly as she took our her phone and punched in her Grandma's number. 

There was a short moment of silence, with only the sound of her phone buzzing echoing in the room. 

"Hello? Sumedha darling?"

"Grandma! How are you?"

"Very well ever since I got to kick some trainer's butts."

"What- How?"

"That's nothing you need to know. Why did you call, dear?"

"The two eggs won't hatch. I kept it warm, went out with it a lot, and even let it sit near the Pokemon Battles I have."

"Ah. I need to tell you something very important."

"What is it?'

"Listen closely, I will only tell you once."


"The eggs...are not ready to hatch yet."

Sumedha heard her Grandma crack up before she hung out on Sumedha, who was about to slam her head on the table when Jarrett stopped her, catching her head. "No. I do not consent another crazy freak. Kelvin is doing some creepy ass ritual. Do not hit your head and go nuts. I have had enough with crazy stuff right now," he grumbled as he walked over to figure out what the hell Kelvin was up to. Andrew and Hanlu were busy teaching the 1/3 students their work while the three of them were supposed to be marking the homework, but Jarrett was procrastinating and...what in the world was Kelvin doing????

Sumedha yawned as she looked at the marked work beneath her hands. "CAN YOU TWO GET TO WORK?" she bellowed as they both stopped to look at her. They shuffled over to their desks as the workplace grew quiet. 

She got up and walked out of the office, wondering into the school compounds. Sylveon was busy trying to chase something, and she realised she could do a bit of training with Riolu. She was about to head into the Dojo when she saw some kids run by, screaming excitedly. 

"Ehm what the heck," she squinted to see the girls all fangirling over some boy with a Victreebel. "Omggg isn't that Vitaminbell! Only the coolest pokemon ever!!!" squealed a girl, in a voice so high it hurt her ears. 

"Vita- What???" Sumedha tried to look past them to see if he was joking or something, but then he noticed her and instantly dragged her over. "And this is Ranger Sumedha, my girlfriend. Sorry ladies, I'm taken. The mighty Tam is taken," he yelled proudly. 

Sumedha instantly turned and slapped him in the face. "Get your hands off me. Did you nickname this Victreebel...Vitaminbell????" she grumbled as she took a few steps back. "How are you a Ranger when you don't even know the species of this pokemon is Vitaminbell?" snapped Tam. "What- Can I just go?" she scowled, not even bothering to argue.

"Hm...What are the names of these three pokemon?" he asked as he threw out a Dewgong, Gossifluer and a Magnemite.  "Dewgong, Gossifluer and Magnemite," she said confidently. "AHA! I should be a ranger instead. This is Littlegong, Gooseflower and Mugmite," he jeered. Sumedha didn't whether she should cry or laugh. Seriously. 

"Why are you even trending in school?" she asked. "Because I know every pokemon in the world," he replied cockily, wrapping his arm around her. She shoved it off quickly. "HELLO??? I can understand mishearing the other names, but WHAT THE HELL IS LITTLEGONG?????" she screamed. 

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