Chapter 64

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Sumedha POV

Sumedha stared blankly at the performers on stage. Bhavishya was fighting against Neha, in a performance battle. 

Bhavishya was using her newly captured Fennekin, while Neha had Glaceon out and fighting. "Swift!" ordered Neha as Glaceon did a spin before firing a burst of stars, striking the Fennekin pretty harshly. 

"Ember now!" called Bhavishya as Fennekin fired a blast of fire, striking the Glaceon, who retaliated with icy wind. Bhavishya quickly told Fennekin to use flame charge, and Fennekin surrounded itself in flames, before charging forward and burrowing through the freezing wind and knocked Glaceon off its paws.

"Time's up!" yelled the referee as Sumedha just watched quietly. It seemed like Bhavishya won, but only by a small bit. 

"You sure you want to try this?" 

Sumedha turned to look at a dishevelled Sophie. "Maybe if I tried becoming a performer, my relationship with my father could be fixed," replied Sumedha. Sophie shrugged as she adjusted her jacket. "I can't make you do anything, but you don't have to be a people pleaser. Females can be great Pokemon trainers, like Cynthia from the pokemon games," Sophie muttered quietly. Sumedha wanted to tell Sophie that she didn't really want to be  performer, but her father's words came rushing right back at her.

"Your dad technically offered you the challenge. He said if you beat him when he brings his full team, you can do whatever you please," Sophie reminded but Sumedha shook her head. "How can I be so sure I would beat him? Sophie, one of your favourite quotes is literally saying 'the moment you underestimate someone, you lose'," she grunted as Bhavishya collected her prize, a beautiful blue and pink ribbon. 

"I didn't tell you to underestimate him. And the quote doesn't just apply to underestimating others. If you underestimate your own strength, you'll lose too," replied Sophie. Sumedha yearned to agree with Sophie, but she faltered. 

How can I be sure I would win?

"We could ask Bhavishya to help you become a performer," Sophie suggested and Sumedha just nodded solemnly. 

After the show ended, they easily got Bhavishya to agree to help train Sumedha into a performer. "You sure about this?" asked Bhavishya quietly. Sumedha stared at the floor, before nodding silently. "I've got to go, got work to do," Sophie called out before leaving. 

Sophie POV

Sophie slid on her bracers as her eyes shifted onto her mega stone. She didn't need it as of now, but her memories of going berserk came running back to her. Houndoom noticed her expression and nuzzled her leg comfortingly. She smiled and gave the hound a pat on the head before continuing the walk down the forest trail. 

She hummed softly, before stopping herself. A bush to her left rustled, and she narrowed her eyes, turning slowly. "Come out now, whatever you are..." she drawled out slowly. Suddenly, a figure on four feet burst from the bushes and Houndoom instantly fired a dark pulse, striking the creature. It tumbled to the ground and bared its fangs.

"Absol?" she gasped as it twisted around and scrambled back onto its four paws. Before either Sophie or Houndoom could move, it lunged and slashed its horn aggressively at Houndoom. "Houndoom, use flamethrower!" she yelled as Houndoom fired a huge burst of fire at point blank range, striking the Absol and singeing its fur. 

Absol took the damage from the burn and growled furiously, before fleeing into the bushes. "Gosh darn it! I wanted an Absol on the team!" she exclaimed furiously. She used a potion on Houndoom, before heading back down the trail. 

Bhavishya POV

"So when the music starts you just have to follow the beat and vibe~ Relax your muscles and dance however you like. It will get your pokemon grooving to the beat," Bhavishya explained as Sumedha attempted to follow the music.

Riolu tripped over its own paws, and Sylveon got itself tangled in its tendrils. Zeraora tripped over a pebble and crashed to the ground, and Meowstic was the only one dancing properly. "Aha, it's fine. It takes time," chuckled Bhavishya awkwardly. 

Sumedha sighed as she gave Bhavishya a strained look. "Could we try another thing? Like using moves to appeal?" she asked, and Bhavishya complied, since her pokemon were hopeless at dancing. 

"I'll demonstrate, then you try to think of an appeal on the spot. Come on out, Butterfree, Milotic!" she yelled as she flung out two pokeballs.

Her graceful Milotic, which her mother traded to her holding a prism scale, and her Butterfree, which was the first pokemon to evolve, appeared out and posed for a few seconds. 

"Alright, Butterfree, bug buzz!" she ordered as Butterfree faced the sky, and let out a loud cry, and green sound waves formed. "Milotic now, dragon breath!" she ordered again. Milotic quickly slammed its tail on the ground to leap into the air, before firing a blue and purple blast straight at the sound waves, causing it to explode into sparkles.

"Now your turn!" 

Sumedha POV

Sumedha was tired. She attempted to have Sylveon use light screens and form some mystical staircase before using dazzling gleam, and then have Meowstic use disarming voice, but the whole thing was rather messy, so the idea was scrapped.

Bhavishya had to help her class run some errands, so Sumedha walked back to the Ranger base alone. Suddenly, a Quagsire crashed to the ground before her. Sophie appeared in her vision and she screamed, "DUCK!" 

Sumedha panicked and dropped to her knees, and looked up, seeing another Quagsire lunge and swing its water shrouded tail right above her head. "Grovyle, energy ball!" Sophie cried out as Grovyle fired a green ball filled with energy and took out the Quagsire. 

"What's going on?" spluttered Sumedha. "It's fine, everything is covered. Team Metallium thought it would be funny unleashing a horde of Quagsire at us," Sophie explained briefly. Sumedha reached for her pokeball but Kelvin and Felix appeared.

"Everything's cleared," reported Felix as he rubbed the grime off his clothes. Kelvin did the same, withdrawing his Gengar. "How did I not hear a Quagsire behind me?" stammered Sumedha in shock. Kelvin just shrugged.

"You good? You're covered in mud," Felix asked as Sophie just noticed. Sumedha watched quietly as the three of them all wiped the mud of themselves. "Yeah, I think I'm good," Sophie grumbled. 

"Sumedha, I think you're rather distracted today."

She jumped and turned, Jarrett appearing in her vision. "Something the matter?" he asked, bending down slightly to talk to her at the same height. "Jeez, I know I'm shorter than you. And why did none of you call me when the Quagsire attacked?" she questioned. 

Jarrett straightened. "Kelvin, I told you to call Sumedha because Felix and I left out rotom pokedexes at the dorms!" Sophie snapped and Kelvin rolled his eyes. "I did! She didn't pick up," he retorted. 

The two began squabbling, with Felix having to drag Sophie away while Jarrett used one hand to pull Kelvin back. Kelvin's screeches became so high pitched Sumedha nearly attacked him herself. 

Sumedha sighed inwardly. Her father's words came ringing back to her. It was as if her father was right. Was being a performer really the right choice? 

In the next chapter:
Sophie takes on the next gym while Sumedha's grandma comes for a visit.



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