Chapter 15

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(Hi its the author. Ik sum of y'all might be confused or smth but I wanna do more character development wif some characters who werent part of the main cast but u get more POVS of diff people to have a feel what it's like to be actually in the school ;p)

Jayden Mark POV

Due to stupid Ranger Opal's orders, Sophie had ordered them to play Gaelic Football. Their pokemon were all resting and goofing about with the other pokemon as Jayden Mark was running desperately after the ball.

"HOW DO YOU SOLO?!" screeched some girl from behind as Jayden nearly stumbled over the ball and tried to do a solo, which was kicking the ball from the ground back to one's hand, and the ball rolled lifelessly away from his foot and he nearly fell.

"WAGAGAAHAHHAH" Yu Xiang cackled. Rayyhan stole the ball and tried to run and kicked the ball, and alas! It struck Yu Xiang straight in the balls.

His face was shocked as his jaw dropped. He stood motionless for a few seconds before dropping to his hands and knees and letting out a cry that sounded horribly like a dying pigeon.

Sophie hurried over quickly.

"WHAT HAPPENED--" she looked at him before cracking the hell up and everyone in the group just lost it on the spot.

"Oh god, I think the school's nurse's Audino can heal this with heal pulse. C'mon fellas, drag him there for us will ya," Sophie said.

Not long after walking, Jayden Mark heaved a heavy breath. "WHY ARE YOU-" Rayyhan nearly yelled and Aakash lunged to shut him up but smothering his face with a book.

"Where am i-" Yu Xiang murmured before sneezing. "Is this guy okay-" Aakash cut himself off before he said anything rude.

"I'm fine, a bit sore," Yu Xiang croaked before a ball came out of nowhere and smacked Rayyhan in the head.

"Hey!" yelled Rayyhan as he scooped the ball and flung it back.

"What, you want a shot to the balls too?" growled the voice.

"You idiots are from 1/9 aren't you? Ranger Victoria's class," Jayden Mark implied. "Obviously. Why? You think you can take us on?" the blonde guy laughed.

Aakash POV

Aakash narrowed his eyes furiously. A bunch of jerks.

"You're so on, a triple battle, how bout that, since your friend is half dead on the ground," hissed the blonde.

"Gabriel... Nicholas and Tim. Yeah, thanks for your names," Rayyhan hissed as he flung his pokeball out as his Bidoof popped right out after reading their name tags.

The three boys hurled some weird looking monkey pokemon.

"Okay Hawlucha let's fight," Aakash growled as Jayden's Rockruff burst from behind.

"Vine whip!" Tim called.

Vines emerged from Pansage and it launched straight at Bidoof.

"Hawlucha, wing attack!" yelled Aakash as Hawlucha's wing tips glowed and it leapt, slamming it's wings against Pansage's head.

"Bidoof, headbutt!" Rayyhan called as Bidoog butted Pansage right back with his head.

As Pansear lunged for a lick, Jayden Mark called for a Rock Throw from Rockruff, causing Pansear to fall back and staggering back to it's paws, using incinerate on Bidoof.

"Doof!" Bidoof groaned as it toppled back.

"Water gun!" called Gabriel and Panpour squirted water in a compressed steam and struck Hawlucha, who tanked the blow.

Nicholas called for Pansear to use incinerate again at Hawlucha but Hawlucha evaded the blast of fire before Aakash ordered for a cross chop, which hit.

"Rockruff, sand attack on every single one of them!" called Jayden as Rockruff leapt forward and kicked sand into their eyes, lowering their accuracy.

"Aerial ace!" called Aakash and Hawlchua lunged, taking down the Pansage.

From behind an incinerate stuck and Hawlucha staggered before it fell face first to the ground.

As Pansear lunged for a lick, Bidoof used aqua tail and knocked the Pansear out, leaving Hawlucha to use aerial ace on the Panpour and taking it out.


"Shut up and bring him to the nurse's clinic. He was talking about summoning the Holy power of castform! AND THERE'S NO SUCH THING," she yelled furiously.

Then Sophie turned to glare at the three boys.

"When I say I hate you three for messing with my students I mean it. NOW GET LOST BEFORE I COME AFTER YOU MYSELF. SCRAM!" she yelled and they looked terrified and ran.

"Stupid idiots," she murmured before looking at the three of them.

"Take care of yourselves. Battled can injure the trainer too," she sighed as she checked them for injuries.

Aakash gave her a grateful look but she shoved him.

"MOVE HIM INSIDE. ARE YOU PEOPLE SLOWPOKES?!" she roared and they quickly dragged Yu Xiang in.

Sophie POV

She rolled her eyes as a headache took over when she was back at the field.

Frustration really tired her out.

Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up. " I know you get a headache when you're mad. Here, cool off with some water," Felix murmured in his deep voice.

"How's everything in the class?" she asked. Then she paused. "How did you know about my... Headache?" she asked curiously as her headache faded slowly.

"You don't remember?" he asked and she just stared at him in confusion.

He shook his head and shrugged. "I'm doing well. Made friends with many everyone in class and closest to Jayden Mark, Aakash, Rayyhan and Yu Xiang. However... They aren't my best friends, who are back at home. You're my closest friend here," he murmured.

She smiled. "Thank you," she mumbled. He patted his shoulder. "You can lean on me for a while. I'll help you check on Yu Xiang later," he promised and she lay her head down, feeling her face and his shoulder become warm.

"Damn, the weather is hot ain't it?"


Kelvin finds a random egg
Team Metallium strikes again

it's time to learn about Z-Moves :p

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