Chapter 13 | The Imitation Game

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    When I say that the man in front of us is hot that would be an understatement. He was muscular yet lean at the same time and it left me speechless for a second. I could tell he was smug by our reactions and was enjoying seeing my mouth hanging open.

    "Do I need to repeat myself?" He said eyeing the two of us.

    I briefly glanced at my sister who looked like she didn't know what to say either. "The better question is who the fuck are you," I said avoiding his question. Who does this guy think he is? Demanding an answer from us of all people. Does he not know who we are?

    His expression changed from serious to surprise and then to amusement. It was irritating to watch him because I could tell he knew something we didn't. "I'm offended that you won't answer my question," He said with fake annoyance. "Oh well," he said with a shrug charging at me.

    He swung his katanas at me in a calculated manner. My sister not even bothering to help me turned back to furiously typing away at the bat computer trying to finish whatever she had been working on previously. The man in the blue suit swinging his two katanas rapidly aimed at specific points. I can tell he's had training but he's much faster than I had anticipated. Somehow his actions feel familiar to me in a way I can't describe like we have done this exact thing a million times before. And that's when it hit me.

    "Robin," I said with a whisper grabbing one of his katanas midair and pulling it from his hand. I threw it as far as I could which took him by surprise and used the opportunity to grab my staff from my utility belt. I used the staff to attack him at his weakest points.

    "It's Nightwing now," He said narrowing his eyes while dodging my attacks. He narrowly missing a blow to his head when I responded, "Aw is Dick tired of living under his old man's shadow" faking sympathy. I take back how attractive I thought he was, I miss thinking he was some mysterious stranger and not boy wonder.

    "This is coming from the girl who takes her sidekick with her everywhere because she can't handle being alone," He said between punches. "Aura and I are partners while Batman is your boss," I said knowing how agitated he gets being called a sidekick.

    "Speaking of Aura are you almost done," I shouted between hits. I could see Alfred in my peripheral was starting to come out of his fear gas coma and my guess is Batman would be coming any second. I continued to use my metal staff to hit Nightwing while he was on offense.

    "Yes! Okay lets go," I heard as she moved away from the bat computer rushing to my side. Now Nightwing was outnumbered so while we continued to fight him I realized that we had no way of leaving. We hadn't expected Nightwing to appear from his hero hiatus and we had no way of knowing how he had entered the Batcave without us knowing. There had to be a way to get out of this cave without going back up those stairs. So I did what any sane person would do.

    I ran towards Alfred who was starting to pull himself up from the floor. I grabbed my knife and pulled him down so that my arm was around his neck. Threatening to kill him was a cheap shot considering the veteran was too groggy to fight back but it was our best shot at escaping.

    "One more move and the butler dies," I said to Grayson who stopped attacking my sister. "How do we get out of here?" I said pushing the knife further into his neck.

    "What the great Silver doesn't have an escape plan," He said as calmly as he could but I could tell that he was uneasy. Alfred was like a grandfather to him he had told me so himself at one of Bruce's charity galas. It was a shame really because even I liked him. He was always polite to me whenever I came over for school projects with Dick.

    "You and I both know I don't believe in plans," I said watching as my sister stepped away from Nightwing. I was just stalling while she looked over the information she had stolen from Batman's computer. I silently wished she would type faster on that wristwatch of hers as she looked for blueprints of the bat cave. If I can avoid killing Alfred I will because killing him isn't worth getting my good knife dirty. Not to mention how pissed Batman would be after losing Jason to lose Alfred but if it's between Alfred and my freedom. I pick freedom.

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