Chapter 21 | Now You See Me

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    3rd POV

    Assembled before Nightwing stood the Team. Since Nightwing had chosen to break free from being Batman's sidekick he had remained outside of the Team's business. He had managed to keep his personal life in Gotham apart from his missions with the Team at Mt Justice. That included Silver until now. After nearly five years of being unable to capture her, Dick had decided that Jason's death was the final straw. He and Bruce needed to put their pride aside and ask for help from their fellow heroes.

    The Team had grown in membership with his departure now with Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Red Robin, and Zatanna filling in the void left by his absence. Their leader Kaldur'ahm stood waiting for Dick to begin delivering the plan they had created together to the group. Dick didn't know where to begin when describing Silver. Over the years, some of the older members of the Team had heard about her in passing but none of them truly knew anything about the woman.

    "Our mission will be unlike some of our previous missions in the past. We will be visiting Gotham where there is a vigilante who has caused chaos for many years. For some, she serves as a symbol of hope. Others know her only as the bringer of death. She has killed many dividing Gotham's public view as one of the more well-liked criminals. She is infamously known as the Impossible Criminal. Silver is the only criminal Batman has been unable to catch. That is why today while he is away on League business we will be capturing her," Nightwing said pulling up various images of Silver on the screen.

    "Why are all the hot ones always evil?" Wally said narrowly missing Artemis' slap.

    "She's been around for years. Why are we only trying to catch her now?" Connor said ignoring Wally's comment.

    "She hadn't killed one of our own before. She was the reason why Jason was killed by the Joker," Various members of the Team turning to look at Jason's successor Tim before turning back to Nightwing who continued pulling up various images of the destroyed building Jason had died in by Joker's hands, "She's incapable of feeling anything. To her killing Jason was nothing but his death will not be without justice. With the Team working together she won't be able to slip away as she has done so many times before." 

    "She has no powers so with all of us attacking her at once she won't be able to defend herself. Her known associate's Aura and Scarecrow who frequently join her are also human," Kaldur said before going into more detail about the plan of attack. The Team was divided into two groups Alpha and Gamma, the younger less experienced members being in the latter. Artemis had not voiced her opinion aloud but knew she couldn't be the only one considering the number of team members to be overkill. Silver was one person how strong could she be?

    Dick who had been forced to bring Damian for his briefing because of Bruce's absence walked towards the boy who was smiling smugly to himself. "What's so funny?" The boy's smirk fell from his face, "how stupid you can be after all this time," he said rolling his eyes leaving towards the Zeta tube to return home and call Beatrice.


    Since her meeting with Klarion, Beatrice had been practicing her powers learning that she was capable of so much more than she had initially thought. She had told Silvia promptly earning her a smack upside the head for keeping her sister in the dark for so long. Her life had been fairly simple recently until the call she received from Damian. Learning about Dick's plan she couldn't help but laugh at the vagueness of it all.

    He hadn't specified when the mission would take place but Beatrice knew better than to live in fear. That was what she had told herself to justify leaving her house to stand on top of one of Gotham's freight trains awaiting precious cargo. She was tipped off that one of the cargo trains passing through the station on the outskirts of town was carrying weapons for an arms dealer up north. Aura, Red Hood, and Scarecrow were on top of one of the other trains further down keeping themselves down protected by the darkness of night. Remaining in the dark, Silver knew this was all a waiting game before she could loot the train and use the stolen guns to arm her goons. Silence in a major city was a luxury she craved often but as she crouched on top of a parked cargo train she longed for sound, any sound. The eerie quietness of a freight yard was starting to bug her.

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